>>4447644 (lb)
dig deeper!
>>4447644 (lb)
dig deeper!
It'd be wise to learn The Word before you stake your position!
It's close! Praise God!
>>4447815 You're kinda like an evolutionist! Wild theories with zero evidence!
One cannot "be" a "gnostic Christian" …you're either a follower of Jesus…or not!
Sure I do! But lets boil it down! It's ones own attempt to experience God one ones own terms! Problem is, that, God Is! And we're not! Thus, all is on His terms!
>>4447904 Twist, twist away! You pursue your hearts desire! God Is, and all is on His terms!
You just made "the point" …and probably don't realize it! Nicea aside! "They differed in their interpretation…"! There's your problem! The Word does not need man to interpret it! The Word interprets Itself! Anytime, any man, interprets The Word…a religion is born!
You should dig and fully research subject matter such as this, before choosing to side on the matter! Study The Bible!
Ok! Go your way!
Sorry about that! Not my intention!
Truth brother!
LOL! Gotta Love the wit!