What we know is that things are happening. White House execmoves being made.
Rothschilds selling their trust.
The borders are being protected and the government is in a (partial) shutdown.
What we KNOW is that things are happening- behind the scenes.
Moves are not being broadcast, creating chaos, which is exactly what is needed to move forward.
We read Q’s drops…as does the enemy.
If nothing was being done, none of this would be happening. The crap with shitposting on Sessions, Mattis and Huber is ridiculous. You don’t think Mattis is unaware of the plan and what his part in the plan was? You don’t think Kelly, Mattis and Sessions were involved, especially with the knowledge they possess?
The crap I’m reading g about Huber- he’s in an active investigation. He HAS been since appointed. Why the hell would he give any of those a heads up on pending arrests- especially when many of those he would be answering to are PART OF THE INVESTIGATION?!!! It has turned into a damn witch-hunt. TF is out for only TF and you think Sperry has intel that Q or the Generals have?
No. They’re all talking out of their asses because they do not know, themselves, what is happening! They’re all on here, too, following and trying to decipher what Q posts, just like us. Speaking of…
Twitter and the MSM do not know up from down and left from right and that is EXACTLY what is needed to move forward. The public is either informed, ill-informed or clueless.
Our part is to shine a light and let them know what is happening. We have evolved from research to reporting. Alerting those to the fake news and preparing them for the upcoming events.
I love our NS GLORIOUS BASTARDS. Keep shitposting to idiots on twatter/FB/MSM who think they know everything. This oldfag is kicking back ready for arrests…