I’m giving Trump until 1/31/19 to take decisive, aggressive, and effective action on the wall, locking up the deep state, and vote fraud. If I don’t see serious actions by then, Bye—eeee Trump, good luck!
Get married first to MAGA. Don’t be a nigger.
This is why we’re not in a relationship anymore, Hon, too much depression.
Will that be before or after the Killary Soetero Krew is arrested?
Oh fuck off, I’ve been fighting this battle since 1992. If Trump doesn’t get aggressive rn, build the wall and lock them up, he’ll just be out shilling for votes again like any other politician. He hasn’t done what he ran on, build the wall, lock /them/ up or gtfo.
I am zero loyal to the Govt btw .
If people had done what I’ve done, this shit would have been over 20 years ago. But people want to sit on their fat asses, be comfortable, and take no risks. I call these types, FUCKING DO-NOTHING PUSSIES.
I’ll eat you like a kipper for breakfast, weak sauce, and spit out your faggoty bones.
He drank the whole quart in the Uber on the way there though.
Build the Wall. Lock /them/ up. Which part of that does Trump not fucking understand?
It was scary up there.
Voting in a fraudulent system is a joke, child.
Absolutely. The occlusion of the pineal gland is what big pharma is all about, not just physical weakness and illness.
Weekend at Ruthies.
Musk is a Soetero shill. Nothing more or less.
A 1-bagger?
Huber will don his magic underpants and bring the pain Any second now.
Ooo internet boi angwee. Just pay your taxes and vote, Nowhere Manchild.
I prefer Mann on Chan.
It’s a daily battle. Coconut oil and cannabis.
I recommend all anons take a tablespoon of coconut oil everyday for mental acuity. GUARANTEED RESULTS in 1 week. TRY IT!
The FUcked Society
You’re probably a bigger joke than Trumps DOJ/FBI. Bye Mr Faggotstein
Somebody should open up her hospital windows nice and wide, get some of that bracing NY winter air in!
*pissing herself .