A sharing.
Almost all of TRUE human history has been stolen. By a group of unspeakably EVIL/WRONG. For the express purpose of total disempowerment of the inhabitants of Earth; total empowerment of THEMselves. All that modern man has of that TRUE history is rumor/speculation. However…symbology gives a glimpse if one studies them.
So. A peak behind the veil.
Thousands of years ago this EVIL/WRONG came upon a Visitor. This entity was made to teach of the Catastrophe that befell Earth about 12k years ago. https: //
This entity was made to teach of War; physical, financial and spiritual…For the express purpose of gathering unto THEMselves it all. Over the interviening thousands of years a vast network was installed. Funneling resources/wealth, spiritual energy/power up to the top of the massive pyramid scheme… Waging war on Humanity and every other Being THEY could. THEY laid waste to every civilization THEY came across. The halmark, bootprint, THEY leave through history is that of Divine Kings. THEY actually think to have that right (rumors from there get VERY interesting).
THEY're twisting every single structure of legitimate power and authority against the interest of every single man, woman, child…and Others.
But enough about THEM, THEIR turn is coming (soon).
Today is about US. By that one means all entities that have been enslaved, tourtured and consumed (yes, eaten) by these unspeakable shits. There are many ways to be enslaved. Many ways to be tourtured. Many to be eaten. Every way has been committed. Leave none out. If one can imagine it; done. Then keep going til one is sick; then keep going… still not there… It's a bottomless pit of horror. For all of Earths known history. Every thinking/feeling creature on this planet and nearby bodies; none have escaped the Boot, the Lash or Tooth.
Through prehistory there were entities that helped those on Earth. Those Guardians of Earth relegated to Myth. The attention and caring shared between US stolen/destroyed. Twisted into lies. Humanity taught to FEAR/HATE. When before it was a relationship of mutual LOVE, Teaching and Sharing. All on this world in harmony; balance. A Golden Age. It's real. If one learns how to look, listen to the infinite inside, it's too plain (all can learn).
Those in this mess, through no choice of theirs, Dreaming of FREEDOOM finally have a HERO. This HERO decided to STAND. To say, "enough is enough". With the help of this HERO, and millions of Patriots a man was put into position to weild the levers of Power needed to initiate a Plan to FREE US ALL. GEOTUS was that man. Not this ones place to name the HERO, but one imagines them as a unicorn in a crystal prison.
Some "disclosure".
"Flying Spaghetti Monster"; real (evidently, kek).
"Little Grey Men"; real (story goes two bubble headed guys in white suits did a bit of runrunrun when they saw them on the Moon, kek).
"Saurkrauterin"; real (evidently sentients can look like cabbage…whoda thunk it).
All of these like Humanity; thinking, feeling, living beings.
All of these like Humanity; enslaved, tourtured and consumed by THEM.
Who reading this would enslave, tourture and consume the neighbors down the street (THEY call US "long pork")?
Exactly. It's not Humanity that does this. It's THEM and THEIR EVIL/WRONG.
These Visitors are OUR neighbors. They can be OUR freinds. They can be OUR partners in building a better world for ALL FREEDOM lovers.
If all that wasn't prickly enough…
/deep breath
There's an elephant in the room. Don't need to tell My'Anon, but for all else; critical thinking time. Strip out of mind the logical fallacies that THEY have clouded good decisions with throughout history. The total body count is tough to nail down exactly, however…
Humanity does know some things. Strong rumors of the absolute HORROR that has occured in North Korea (200,000,000). Yes. A whole country a human meat factory.
Native Americans nearly genocided completely (114,000,000). Yes. On purpose (THEY have used disease as a weapon for a long time).
Kulaks in Russia (30,000,000). Yes. Greed(The number of bodies standing between THEM and THEIR goals is of no mind).
Jews in Europe (6,000,000). A nightmare for all those that suffered.
All of this done by THEM…FAKE JEWS (Rothschilds "jelly donut" family). Hiding amongst those suffering people for thousands of years. Bringing down the wrath of every people they lived with. THEY had no care of how many of any people died; THEY wanted what THEY wanted. WE bore the cost. All peoples, all entities. None spared.
Now it's time for a RECONING. The world AWAKENS. The world UNITES. Today, in the world of FREEDOM LOVERS, the proudest boast is we're all EARTHLINGS! =P
Seriously, though.
Be Worthy
Patriots, FREEDOM lovers, UNITE!
Dig, Meme, Pray.
Time to END this.