That's ebot. I filtered it out so I never see it. Being a bot, it wouldn't understand, beyond simply manipulating the words through a program. It has no ego and no soul, either.
That's ebot. I filtered it out so I never see it. Being a bot, it wouldn't understand, beyond simply manipulating the words through a program. It has no ego and no soul, either.
I found "Last and First Men" by Olaf Stapledon very mind-expanding. It's very visionary sci-fi.
Blame LBJ. That's how he always said it, and got some ribbing at the time. Yet the error persists.
As the role of the UK in the dodgy dossier gets slow-rolled to public consciousness, maybe we can see why Q said that war would be the result if some information weren't handled carefully.
Elsewhere on this bread I recommended Stapledon's "Last and First Men" as visionary. "Starmaker" is even more so. Thank you for making it available to Anons.