It's sad that we had to step in and take over REALEYETHESPY handle. The real issue here is people will drop everything and blindly follow anyone who understands how crowd psychology works without doing their own research/proofs.
The whole idea behind this movement is to make people OPEN THEIR MIND and do RESEARCH for THEMSELVES.
When does a bird leave its nest?
When does a bird sing?
Those who can not find it in themselves to GO BEYOND need not bother allocating their energy to understanding.
This isn't about religion, race or politics. This is about DARK TO LIGHT (GOODvEVIL)
Division works both ways. Controlled opposition.
Infowars = prime example.
Corsi= prime example.
Original ETS = prime example
They give you enough to blindly follow and feed your energy
These people are what's known in simplest forms as "Vampires"- they suck the literal life out of their following and subjects. They transmute this energy into their own selfish agendas therefore feeding a negative aspect of polarity ultimately fueling a much larger battery.
Why do you think its called "poll"itics and "polling" stations, "poll"ice, "poll"-ite? Its all spells. Word conditioning, programming. Electro magenetic energy siphoning. Everything in this reality is designed to drain you of your (Qi) or Prana. It's all a giant system.
The only way to disable this passive energy sucking is to not embrace it or participate in the systems designed to destroy. You must disconnect from the Fake News Media False Reality Matrix. Nothing you are told is true. If your mind isn't free than your a Agent Smith (Enemy).
Future proves past. This is what you have all been waiting for. The choice to know is yours. The deeper we go the more unrealistic it becomes.
The end won't be for everyone.
IBM Q runs across a NETWORK of Fortune 500 companies. Also connected to Oak Ridge National Laboratory aka US Dept. of Energy.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Unclassified and Classified Cyber Security Programs, October 2017 (OUO)
Q Clearnance = Highest Dept of Energy Clearance
Highest DOE = Majestic12
US Dept of Energy—1017 Majestic Dr, Lexington, KY
Wizards & Warlocks keep knowledge=NS(a) fight over ENERGY
Oct 28 2011 Alt. Mayan Calendar end
Oct 28 2017 Q
Dec 21 2012 Mayan Calendar end
Dec 21 2017 HR & C EO.
APRIL 18 (April showers)