Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 9:36 a.m. No.4452264   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Creepy John Podesta Represented Foreign Governments While Working in White House – Not Hero General Flynn!


During General Michael Flynn’s hearing earlier this month the abusive Judge in the corrupt case accused the General of acting as an agent for a foreign government while he was serving in the White House.

This was not only a lie, but the real culprits and deal-makers of representing foreign governments while working in the White House are the Clintons and John Podesta who walk free to this day.


In the recent hearing in the Deep State’s corrupt case against General Mike Flynn, the judge accused the General of working for a foreign government while in the White House. This same misguided and possibly corrupt judge asked if the General should be indicted for treason – a charge he has never faced.

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.4452278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2327 >>2384 >>2744 >>2957

44 Warhawk Democrats Voted to Approve $675 Billion for US War Machine — Only One Voted to Secure US Border – Think About That!


On August 23, 2018, The US Senate voted for a $675 billion appropriations bill to fund the unlimited war projects.

The warhawk Democrats carried the majority.


The vote was 85-7 led by Democrat Senators.


44 Democrats voted for the bill.

41 Republicans voted for the bill.

0 Democrats voted against the bill.

6 Republicans voted against the bill.

1 Socialist Bernie Sanders voted against the bill.

3 Democrats did not vote.

5 Republicans did not vote.


These SAME DEMOCRATS voted 47-1 on Friday to block funding of border security in the latest spending bill.

These same Democrats attacked President Trump for withdrawing US troops from Syria — after their mission was accomplished.


It appears we have a new party of warmongers!

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.4452302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘We won’t fight Ukraine, I promise’: Was this the fieriest interview of Sergey Lavrov’s career?


After 14 years in the job, the Russian foreign minister has probably heard every question. But then he was asked if Russia should demolish the Katyn war cemetery in retaliation against Poland, or imminently go to war with Ukraine.


Sergey Lavrov is used to defending his homeland against international lines of inquiry. But last week he was ambushed by different, supposedly friendlier interlocutors - two correspondents from the country’s tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda, led by the former ‘bad girl’ of Russian journalism, war reporter and columnist Darya Aslamova.


Their lengthy sit-down chat produced likely the most colorful (and oddest) interview Lavrov has given ever since he was appointed Russia’s envoy to the UN back in 1994.

Aslamova suggests that Russia should recognize Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics in eastern Ukraine.


Lavrov: And then what?


Aslamova: Then we defend our territory that we recognized, help our fraternal nation.


Lavrov: And you want to lose the rest of Ukraine, leaving it to the neo-Nazis?


Aslamova says that a “mirror response” to Poland’s legislation prescribing the demolition of Soviet-era World War II memorials should be the destruction of the Katyn cemetery, where thousands of Polish officers massacred by the NKVD in 1940 are buried.


Lavrov: Are you being serious?


Aslamova: Absolutely.


Lavrov: It’s a pity. I hoped you were speaking in jest.


Second journalist, Andrey Baranov: Sadly, Darya is expressing a commonly held opinion among our audience. What do you think?


Lavrov: …I don’t think that would be a Christian act.


Aslamova: Are they acting like Christians?


Lavrov: Of course not.


Aslamova: Where is our diplomacy then, a mirror response? They do something bad to us, we strike back. Where is our dignity?


Lavrov: Our self-respect comes specifically from not descending to the level of these neo-Nazis.

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 9:44 a.m. No.4452337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2354 >>2459 >>2744 >>2957

‘Having a penis and competing as a woman is not fair’: Navratilova inflames transgender fury


Tennis legend Martina Navratilova was forced to apologize for comments she made on social media saying that natural born men who ‘proclaim themselves female’ should not be allowed to compete against women.


Navratilova’s remarks came in response to a question from a Twitter follower who asked her about transgender women in sport.


“Clearly that can't be right. You can't just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women,” the nine-time Wimbledon champion wrote. “There must be some standards, and having a penis and competing as a woman would not fit that standard.”


The 62-year-old who is widely regarded as one of the greatest tennis players of all time triggered an uproar on social media with transgender community branding her comments as “bullying” and “discriminatory.”

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 9:48 a.m. No.4452365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2371 >>2407

Mainstream Media Now Openly Reporting on the Elite Lining Up to Ingest the Blood of Children


What was once a conspiracy theory is now the subject of mainstream media reports as more and more of the elite begin lining up to ingest the blood of children.


Once the talk of conspiracy theorists — the rich ingesting the blood of the young to foster longevity — is now a reality and an actual business in the United States. Not only is it a business but billionaires are actually admitting their interest in it. Now, even the mainstream media is reporting it.


“Could the secret to eternal youth be found in blood transfusions from young people? Some claim that transfusions with “young blood” from teenagers can reverse the aging process,” the report from CBS reads.

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 9:50 a.m. No.4452380   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Head of state terror’ v ‘anti-Semitic dictator’: Netanyahu and Erdogan trade insults


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan became locked in a heated war of words over the weekend, accusing each other of committing massacres against civilians.


In a tweet posted on Saturday, Benjamin Netanyahu referred to Erdogan as an “occupier of northern Cyprus,” saying that the Turkish Army “massacres women and children in Kurdish villages.”


The Turkish leader responded the next day, and he gave as good as he got. He branded the Israeli PM the “voice of the oppressors” who commits crimes against Palestinians.


“Netanyahu, you are cruel. You are the head of state terror,” he said, as quoted by Gazete Duvar.


Israel has no right to accuse anyone without accounting for its own sins, crimes against humanity, massacres and destruction.


Erdogan’s attack on the Israeli prime minister was followed up by several top Turkish officials, including Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. He called Netanyahu “a cold-blooded killer” who is responsible for the “massacres of innocent Palestinians.” Erdogan’s spokesperson and chief adviser, Ibrahim Kalin, also demanded that Israel ends the “lawless occupation of Palestinian lands.”


Meeting with a group of Christian IDF soldiers ahead of Christmas, Netanyahu threw additional verbal jabs at the Turkish leader, calling him an “anti-Semitic dictator” who is “obsessed with Israel.”


But there has been an improvement: Erdogan used to attack me every two hours and now it is every six hours.


Turkey is becoming “more dictatorial day by day,” the Israeli PM claimed.


Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Benjamin Netanyahu are known for their mutual resentment. The politicians have often traded insults in the past. The Turkish president regularly accuses Tel Aviv of mistreating Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. He stepped up attacks against Israel after its parliament adopted a controversial ‘nation-state’ law this summer.


Meanwhile, Netanyahu and other Israeli officials have criticized Erdogan of supporting Hamas militants and Iran.

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 9:51 a.m. No.4452401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2412 >>2464 >>2555 >>2744 >>2957

Adam Schiff Will Subpoena Mueller Report If White House Tries To Block Its Release


California Rep. Adam Schiff said Sunday that he is prepared to subpoena a report from the special counsel’s Russia investigation should the White House try to block its release.


“At the end of the day, this is just — this case is just too important to keep from the American people what it’s really about,” Schiff said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”


CNN host Jake Tapper had asked Schiff, a Democrat, whether he would use his subpoena power when he takes over next month as chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to obtain the report, should the Trump administration attempt to block its release.


“I’m prepared to make sure we do everything possible so that the public has the advantage of as much of the information as it can,” Schiff said.


“That sounds like a yes,” said Tapper.


“Well, that pretty much is a yes, from my point of view,” Schiff replied, adding that “we ought to make sure this report is public.”


Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly planning to send his report to the Justice Department as early as mid-February, NBC News reported Friday.


The Justice Department, which is currently led by Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, would have the option of releasing parts of the report. The White House could exercise executive privilege to keep the document from being released to the public.


Mueller, who was appointed special counsel on May 17, 2017, has been investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to influence the election as well as whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice by firing James Comey as FBI director.


Mueller is expected to address both components of the investigation in his report, though it remains unclear whether he has found evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of Trump.


Schiff said Sunday that classified information and grand jury information will have to remain redacted in any report released to the public.


Schiff has been the top Democrat pushing the conspiracy theory that Trump associates colluded with Kremlin operatives to influence the election.


He claimed early on in the congressional investigation into the Trump campaign that he had seen “more than circumstantial evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Kremlin. Schiff has failed to reveal that evidence when challenged by his Republican colleagues. Republicans on the House Intelligence panel released a report on April 27 asserting that the investigation found no evidence of collusion.

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.4452432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2744 >>2957

Trump Takes Steps To Prevent Catastrophic Forest Fires, Including More Logging


President Trump issued an executive order allowing agencies to do more to prevent massive wildfires.

The order came one day after Trump signed GOP-backed wildfire legislation.

Wildfires have burned more than 8.5 million acres this year.


President Donald Trump moved forward with policies aimed at preventing catastrophic wildfires while the media breathlessly covered the government funding battle.


Trump issued an executive order Friday to allow for active management of forest and rangelands, including thinning and removing debris from millions of acres of federal lands.


The order also calls on federal officials to streamline regulations and permitting processes to allow the harvest of at least 3.8 billion board feet from U.S. Forest Service lands and 600 million board feet from Bureau of Land Management lands.


That represents a massive increase in timber sales from federal lands. For example, loggers harvested 2.9 billion board feet from Forest Service lands in 2017, according to federal figures. But even Trump’s increased allowance for loggers is still about one-quarter of what was harvested in 1973.


Trump also asked federal officials to do more to maintain roads into hard-to-reach areas where fires can spread.


Western Republicans welcomed Trump’s order. GOP lawmakers said that a change in policies was sorely needed after the devastating 2018 wildfire season, which saw more than 8.5 million acres burned.


“While litigation activists thwarted forest management reforms, the Senate also failed to pass legislation to help minimize forest fires,” Utah GOP Rep. Rob Bishop, chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources, said in a statement.


“As a result, parts of the West were left in ashes. We cannot ignore these systemic issues any longer,” Bishop said.


Trump issued the order one day after signing the $867 million farm bill that included provisions allowing foresters to more quickly remove dead and diseased trees that increased fire risks.


Environmentalists railed against Trump’s executive order, characterizing it as a “gift” to the logging industry that would do little to prevent wildfires.


“It won’t work, and we know that,” Denise Boggs with the group Conservation Congress told The Sacramento Bee. “All the fire ecologists are saying the same thing: You can’t log your way out of this situation.”

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 9:56 a.m. No.4452444   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: YouTube Search Results For 'Abortion' Change After Leftist Writer Complains They're Too Pro-Life



After a reporter from the leftist site Slate contacted YouTube, complaining that search results when using the term “abortion” featured a plethora of videos that were anti-abortion, including some from the pro-life group Live Action and others featuring staunch pro-life advocate Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro, suddenly the platform reputedly reflected a change with more videos featured that were pro-abortion or simply not pro-life.


On December 23, Shapiro’s various videos were found behind at least 40 others; videos from Live Action, whose videos have garnered over 140 million views, were far beyond the 150th video to be seen.


April Glaser, writing for Slate, trumpeted her part in effecting the apparent change at YouTube. She started by comparing the results of conducting a search for “abortion” on Google as opposed to YouTube:


When you Google “abortion,” the top results are relatively staid considering the divisiveness of the topic in American life. There’s a link to information about the procedure from Planned Parenthood, a Google map of nearby abortion providers, a link to an overview of anti-abortion and pro-choice arguments from the nonpartisan, and links to various news sources like the New York Times and the New Yorker.


Glaser derided the videos that had dominated the search for ”abortion” on YouTube, snapping, “ The top search results for ‘abortion’ on the site were almost all anti-abortion—and frequently misleading.” Glaser had issues with plenty of the pro-life videos, remarking that one featured a “gory two minutes” that showed “images of a formed fetus’ tiny feet resting in a pool of blood”; several featuring former abortionist turned pro-life advocate Dr. Antony Levatino, one from Shapiro, and another of a blog titled, “Abortion: My Experience,” in which the woman acknowledged it had been “My Biggest Mistake.”


Glaser writes that she emailed YouTube on December 14 complaining about the search results, and voila! She wrote on December 21, “By the end of this week, the top results (which are dynamic) included a news segment in Tamil, a video in which the director Penny Marshall (who died this week) ‘Opens Up on Drugs and Her Abortion,’ and a clip of an anti-abortion advocate responding to the abortion-legalization law passed in Ireland. Anti-abortion content meant to enrage or provoke viewers was no longer purely dominating the results, though they still looked very different from the generally more sober Google results.”


Glaser cites Becca Lewis, a researcher with Data & Society who “studies extremists content on YouTube,” asserting, “You see people talking about using YouTube to present the ‘other side’ of an issue or story and a lot of times those are conspiracy theories or disinformation.”


Glaser notes that one video that was recommended after watching a BBC video was called “Abortion or Baby: Before You Decide.” The video featured, according to Glaser, “seven-minute animation that looks like a simple instructional video, but describes how a fetuses’ body parts are pulled apart by surgical instruments in the womb and half the video is about how marriage and raising the child is probably the best, most fulfilling option for a pregnant woman.”


Wouldn’t want women to know what actually happens, would we?

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.4452484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2509

Call for Macron to step down to restore peace and end the chaos in France


Pictures and videos are surfacing across social media of French police levelling firearms at Yellow Vest demonstrators protesting the failed President Emmanuel Macron’s government austerity plans.


The sixth week of protests, despite being the Saturday before Christmas, still had a fair turnout, though less than previous weeks.


Things were chaotic in the capital on ‘Act VI’ of the Yellow Vests protests. Some calling it a day of rage as riot police used tear gas and baton charges with at least one officer pulling a gun on protesters.

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:02 a.m. No.4452518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2522 >>2527 >>2595 >>2744 >>2957



Susan Rice: Trump Is More Dangerous to America Than ‘Any Foreign Adversary’


Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice published an op-ed Sunday in the New York Times in which she declares that President Donald Trump “does more to undermine American national security than any foreign adversary.”


More dangerous than the Islamic terrorists who carried out the Benghazi attack, about which she lied to the world, blaming a YouTube video; more dangerous than the so-called “Islamic state,” which she let take root after her boss, President Barack Obama, called them the “J.V. team”; more dangerous than Vladimir Putin’s Russia, which took over Crimea on her watch; more dangerous than Iran, with which she and her boss concluded a failed nuclear deal.


Rice wrote that Trump’s decision to withdraw from Syria — a conflict that the Obama administration allowed to drag on even after dictator Bashar al-Assad crossed Obama’s “red line” and gassed his own people — represented “[c]utting and running,” and she said that the departure of Secretary of Defense left the administration unstable (emphasis added):


The president couldn’t care less about facts, intelligence, military analysis or the national interest. He refuses to take seriously the views of his advisers, announces decisions on impulse and disregards the consequences of his actions. In abandoning the role of a responsible commander in chief, Mr. Trump today does more to undermine American national security than any foreign adversary. Yet no Republican in Congress is willing to do more than bleat or tweet concerns.


Against this backdrop, Mr. Mattis’s resignation is even more worrisome. Even though his record was mixed, he provided desperately needed reassurance to our allies, an unabashed if private counterweight to the president’s worse instincts, and experience and stature too great for Mr. Bolton to ignore. His departure will leave the administration all but devoid of wise, principled leadership and the guts to check a president who consistently places politics and self-interest above national security.


Ironically, President Obama was described by his own former defense secretary, Robert Gates, as making national security decisions with “a total focus on politics”; being erratic and disorganized; and abusing his advisers.


Last year, she admitted “unmasking” the names of members of President Trump’s transition team in surveillance reports after previously denying it. The “unmasked” name of Michael Flynn was illegally leaked to the media.


Read Susan Rice’s full op-ed here.

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:05 a.m. No.4452544   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Amazon’s Worst Moments of 2018


2018 hasn’t been a great year for Amazon’s public relations, with incident after incident casting the company in a negative light. Here were some of the highlights.


Awful Warehouse Working Conditions Revealed in Undercover Investigation


Amazon’s warehouse working conditions were revealed in an undercover investigation this year, which reported employees urinating in bottles and trashcans for fear of taking a bathroom break, and employees falling asleep on the job due to exhaustion.


It was also revealed that ten percent of Amazon employees in Ohio were on food stamps, and Amazon’s image wasn’t helped following the leak of an internal company video which instructed managers how to spot and intimidate employees with sympathy for unionization.


A New York labor union described Amazon’s working conditions as “deadly and dehumanizing,” and accused it of being “anti-worker” and working towards “world market domination,” while employees in Europe even organized a Black Friday strike over working conditions.


The negative press received from reports of bad working conditions led to Amazon paying employees to say nice things about the company on Twitter, which was described by Twitter users as “creepy” and “Orwellian.”


Major Amazon Alexa Privacy Violations, Errors, and Vulnerabilities


One Amazon “error” this year granted a man access to another Amazon Alexa user’s 1,700 voice recordings.


Furthermore, the user reportedly “initially got no reply when he told Amazon about the access to the other recordings,” and was able to download the entirety of the recordings before Amazon fixed the error.


In another embarrassing error, an Amazon home assistant device secretly recorded a family’s conversation before sending it to a stranger, who then told the family.


“My husband and I would joke and say, ‘I’d bet these devices are listening to what we’re saying,’” declared the mother of the family affected by the error. “We unplugged all of them and he proceeded to tell us that he had received audio files of recordings from inside our house. At first, my husband was, like, ‘no you didn’t!’ And the (recipient of the message) said ‘You sat there talking about hardwood floors.’ And we said, ‘oh gosh, you really did hear us.’”

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.4452587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2623

Kikes trying to piss off the Muslims


Charlie Hebdo Journalist: ‘Islam Must Submit to Criticism’


Charlie Hebdo journalist Zineb El Rhazoui has received rape and death threats for saying “Islam must submit to criticism”.


The journalist, who has lived under police protection since a number of her colleagues at the satirical magazine were murdered by radical Islamic terrorist for satirising the Prophet Mohammed, said she has received “Insults, racist insults, [and] threats of death or rape” since she insisted: “Islam must submit to criticism, submit to humor, submit to the laws of the Republic, submit to French law.”


“I have not changed my mind since,” she added defiantly in an interview with the Europe 1 radio station.


“I think that have not only the right to just say these things, but I think that in the current context, I also have the duty, because unfortunately, many voices have given way to the intellectual terror that is trying to impose this wall of silence on us,” explained the French-Moroccan.

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:11 a.m. No.4452624   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gunman Fires on Restaurant with ‘AK-47’ in Brussels on Christmas Eve


Belgian police are on the hunt for a gunman who shot at a restaurant in an upmarket part of Brussels on Christmas Eve with what a witness said was a “Kalashnikov-style” weapon.


The incident took place Monday morning at around 9:50 on Avenue Louise, according to Le Soir.


The Brussels public prosecutor office said that based on preliminary information, the suspect fired his weapon at a restaurant identified by a Soir journalist as La Parisienne, which was closed as the time. There were no injuries.


“A witness saw a man shoot with a Kalashnikov-style weapon in the direction of the window of a restaurant on Avenue Louise,” spokesman Ine Van Wymersch said. “At the location, the police found three bullet impact marks.”


The prosecutor’s office says there is no indication the incident was of a terrorist nature and no suspect has been identified. Forensic and ballistic investigators have been dispatched.


Witnesses said they saw the suspect flee the scene in a car.


French Republicans Party Member of the Senate commented on the shooting, condemning the firing of a “weapon of war in Brussels, in the heart of the French Quarter, on Christmas Eve.”


Despite Belgium and France having strict personal gun ownership laws, both have been plagued by shootings with Kalashnikov and other machine-gun type weapons.

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.4452657   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mexican Border State Floods Highways with Cops for Christmas


MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas – Hundreds of police officers and military personnel are flooding state highways to help ensure the safety of thousands during Christmas and New Year celebrations. The surge follows months of cartel activity including shootouts, carjackings, and highway robberies.


Dubbed “Invierno Seguro 2018,” the operation calls for more than 2,400 police officers to patrol the highways on two shifts. Authorities will also have officers aiding stranded motorists based at 14 stations throughout the state.


The large-scale deployment is expected to remain in operation throughout the holiday season. Tamaulipas is one of the hardest hit by cartel violence, where rival cartels continue their fights for territorial control. Two factions of Los Zetas, called “Old School Z” and “Northeast Cartel” (CDN), are battling for the border city of Nuevo Laredo and central Tamaulipas. Two factions of the Gulf Cartel, known as “Los Metros” and “Escorpiones,” fight for the areas between the border cities of Reynosa and Matamoros.


While the turf wars rage, cartel members often target innocent victims for ransom kidnappings and extortion.

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.4452680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Support for Russia keeps growing despite West’s hostile anti-Russian crusade, says speaker


MOSCOW, December 24./TASS/. Support for Russia is growing on the global arena despite the anti-Russian policy actively pursued by the West, Russian Federation Council upper house’s Speaker Valentina Matviyenko told a news conference on Monday.


"Believe me, the number of Russia’s allies, explicit and implicit, is growing. No, they cannot vote openly, they are intimidated, they depend on Western gifts and other things. But we know very well and we understand that more and more people rationally assess the situation, the danger of this situation and rightness of Russia’s actions," Matviyenko said when asked what Russia should do given anti-Russian sanctions that Washington keeps slapping on it and anti-Russian resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly.

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:20 a.m. No.4452716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2723

U.S. Taxpayers Billed $115M to Study Quails on Cocaine, Donkey Hunting


Both Democrat and Republican political establishments have decried the cost of President Trump’s proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall while $115 million in American taxpayer money has funded the Somali National Army, tourism in Egypt, quails on cocaine, and more.


House and Senate Democrats say they refuse to fund a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to stop soaring illegal immigration because it is too expensive and wasteful. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called a border wall “immoral, expensive, ineffective, not something that people do between countries,” Breitbart News reported.


Last year, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said a border wall would be “very expensive” and asked, “Why don’t we use that money for roads?” Likewise, Republican establishment lawmakers have claimed the border wall is too costly for them to support.


As the political establishment becomes budget hawks on funding a border wall, Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) annual “Festivus Report” reveals that about $115 million in American taxpayer money funded a slew of government projects, including $200,000 to put on plays in Afghanistan.


American taxpayers this year have also been forced to subsidize:


$76 million to provide stipends to Somali National Army

$18 million to promote tourism in Egypt

$2.4 million to study daydreaming

$1 million to support “legislative priorities” in Libya

$875,000 to study the sexual habits of quails on cocaine

$635,000 to develop a Pashto-language TV drama series for Afghanistan

$400,000 to support asset seizure programs in Paraguay

$360,000 to study horse and donkey hunting on the ancient Anatolian Peninsula

$250,000 to teach Rwandan special interest groups how to lobby elected officials

$75,000 to make videos marketing U.S. colleges to Indian students

$75,000 to blow leaf blowers at lizards

$35,000 to encourage people in the Republic of the Congo to use local resources

$15,000 to fund a fictionalized opera about Prince Harry, called “Stone Prince”

$50,000 to create conceptualized games in India

$50,000 to teach female entrepreneurs in India how to “vlog”

$50,000 to fund museum trips in Bosnia & Herzegovina


American taxpayers have paid nearly $30 million since 2014 to fund “reintegration” gift bags for illegal aliens and their children who were deported from the U.S. to their home countries, Breitbart News reported.


As part of this “reintegration” effort, young migrants are provided with U.S. taxpayer-funded school supplies, toys, coloring books, dolls, toiletries, backpacks, and clothes, seen below:

Anonymous ID: 770899 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:22 a.m. No.4452733   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kiev Concentrated Large Number Of Offensive Weapons On Contact Line With Local Militias In Eastern Ukraine


Since the November incident between a Ukrainian Naval group and Russian coastal guards in the Black Sea, Russian officials as well as representatives of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) and the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) have repeatedly warned that the Kiev government is reinforcing its military group in eastern Ukraine and preparing provocations to trigger a military escalation there.


The data below is taken from reports of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine (SOURCE). It allows to get a general look at the recent deployments of military equipment and offensive weapons by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the period from December 18 to December 21. The maps also includes similar data collected by the OSCE SMM about actions of the LPR and the DPR during the same period.

Ukrainian Armed Forces:


December 18:


Three self-propelled howitzers (2S3 Akatsiya, 152mm) at the railway station in Kostiantynivka (60km north of Donetsk)

A self-propelled anti-aircraft system (2K22 Tunguska) near Kostiantynivka

Nine surface-to-air missile systems (9K35 Strela-10) at the railway station in Kostiantynivka

Four multiple launch rocket systems (BM-21 Grad, 122mm) near Rivnopil (86km west of Donetsk)

Five tanks (T-64) at the railway station in Rubizhne (84km north-west of Luhansk)

An anti-aircraft gun (ZU-23, 23mm) near Novozvanivka (70km west of Luhansk).


December 19:


26 self-propelled howitzers (nine 2S3 Akatsiya, 152mm and 17 2S1 Gvozdika, 122mm) at the railway station in Bakhmut (67km north of Donetsk)

a self-propelled howitzer (2S1) moving south-west 4km south-west of Kostiantynivka (60km north of Donetsk)

a self-propelled howitzer (2S1) moving south-west in Kostiantynivka

four multiple launch rocket systems (BM-21 Grad, 122mm) near Lysychansk (75km north-west of Luhansk)

two anti-tank guided missile systems (9P148 Konkurs, 135mm) in Sievierodonetsk (74km north-west of Luhansk)

an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) (BMP-1) near Zolote

an IFV (BMP-1) and two armoured personnel carriers (APC) (MT-LBs, one towing an anti-aircraft gun (ZU-23, 23mm)) near Popasna (69km west of Luhansk)

an IFV (BMP-2) and an APC (BTR-60) in Avdiivka (17km north of Donetsk)

three APCs (MT-LB) near Vynohradne (10km east of Mariupol);

an IFV (BMP variant) near Novotoshkivske

four infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), two armoured personnel carriers (APC) (BTR-70), an armoured reconnaissance vehicle (BRM-1K) and an armoured ambulance (MT-LB S) in Avdiivka (17km north of Donetsk)