Anonymous ID: 3e7de7 Dec. 24, 2018, 11:50 a.m. No.4453660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3728


Vaxxed is a worthwhile watch. It's well balanced, and yet, very damning of the CDC who buried a study from doctors and the public that proved higher incidence in minority groups that took the three-in-one vaccine (forgot the acronym). There are first person testimonials that are very convincing from people whose backgrounds are highly credible.


I remember thinking poorly of the well known doctor who spoke out and got hammered for it. Name eludes me at present. I sought this out on my own and was glad I watched it.


Just cheated. Dr. Andrew Wakefield.


An interesting side note. De Niro (yes that piece of shit), started/founded the Tribeca film festival (I think I have that correct).


His film festival. A few years ago he wanted Vaxxed to be the LAST movie shown. If you weren't interested, you could leave the festival and not watch big deal.


The fake news/cabal POUNCED on him! The pressure was so great he pulled it from HIS OWN FESTIVAL.


In my opinion, when the cabal tries that hard to PREVENT and DISCOURAGE any information from being shared, you better ask why?


Are we, as adults, not able to judge FOR OURSELVES what is, and what is not, propaganda?


When your official watchdog (wass it the CDC/Atlanta or the National Institute of Health, think the former), bury research and LIE…engage in destruction of evidence, that should cause you to take notice.


Suffice it to say, everyone involved (but the whistleblower), was handsomely rewarded with cushy, multi-million dollar jobs in the private, big-pharma, sector.

Anonymous ID: 3e7de7 Dec. 24, 2018, 11:56 a.m. No.4453728   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sorry for the plebbit spacing…was never good at this. Should have said it more clearly, UNTIL I watched this, I had a poor image of Dr. Wakefield. Not any longer.

Anonymous ID: 3e7de7 Dec. 24, 2018, noon No.4453780   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"All alone" …. love it. It twists the fake news who write articles implying that he's all alone because nobody agrees with his policy.


They fucking suck.


Hold the line President Trump! Keep the fed gov shut down. Fuck em!


You guys realize when the lights go back on, all the fed workers get back pay for all the days they had to suffer not going to work. The joke is on us, has been on us, but hopefully will no longer be on us…here's hoping.