Anonymous ID: 50e124 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.4453140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3312


A sharing.


If one has a point beyond which one will not go, if one has circumstances one will not accept…

What is one to do?


On a hill, as it were.

There comes a time.

One finds that time, usually not of ones choosing, and makes a choice.

Compromise…or not.

Choosing not, choosing to STAND, choosing that HILL upon which one will die, or not; usually not of ones choosing.

One can only do what one can.

What if this crazy life we're busy Dreaming away, this real world…is True.

What if this good world one can feel coming, building like a wave readying to crest…is the Lie.

Even better…

What if, together, the world STANDing up can push that world from Lie into TRUTH?

There are Watchers in this world. They've been here a very long time and Humanity has been blinded to them. Taught to Fear/Hate them. To the point that they've been made, literally, into Fiction.

Birthing a world. That is what needs to happen. That is what everyone must push for.

That is the Truth.

Each person, a grain of sand, is light; as nothing. However, a beach will crush anything in it's path. That's how it works…and THEY've known that for a very, very long time.


Chaos Theory says that the flap of a butterflies wing can be that thing that takes a storm and kicks it up to Hurricane. That one, nothing, resulting in an order of magnitude increase in effect. Grain of sand. Flap of a wing…Billions of wings… Billions of grains adding up to a literal mountain. What if, together, FREEDOM lovers of EARTH just stopped. Decided to STAND. Create a static momentum…

THEY've been directing that flow with artificial channels for millenia…What would happen if, together, EARTHLINGS dropped a wing made of mountain into that flow and just let nature take its course…Let the Natural World Order do its thing…Think the pressure of that flow hitting OUR combined weight might divert that flow? Think it might burst those BANKS? Allow for resources, caring and attention to go back to where it's SUPPOSED to be?

GEOTUS told the minority communities that they didn't have anything to lose by choosing a differant course. What do any of us have to lose choosing a differant path?

The Hard Path that shows the Way. Meh. It's not about the destination anyways. 'Tis 'bout the journey.

We've been told to trust the Plan.

We've been told to be patient with the Plan.

We've been itching to get on with it.

It's Time.

This one has chosen ones Hill. Cemented the feet into it, as a matter of fact. Do or Die, there is no try.

It's Time to crush this True world we've been Dreaming and birth the DREAM that is REAL.


STAND. Be the Hero of your own story.

What's in a name, My'Anon?

Be Worthy.



