Anonymous ID: c93f4a Dec. 24, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.4453576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3640 >>3667

I am working under assumption that my IPO address is under moderation from coming up directly on main board to avoid me perhaps spilling anything of secret value to our movement or to interfering with other anons own hero journey. Is this correct? That there is no danger of me doing something stupid like saying what the Fightclub Movie really is. Is this correct?


So at first their was a void of nothingness. But you cant really have nothing because nothing is in itself something. The nothingness began to create a ripple, a wave pattern and the pattern became self aware at some point. Everything is polar so the One is God the all. The two is the first divide the Abyss and Light. God is both. The three is the tri-fold light or the three sisters the positive, the negative and the equalibrum. All are just fractals of the original God.


I wonder if there is life in the Light is there life in the Abyss? Does the abyss have its own tri-fold god or their own positive, negative and equalibrum? Is the Lady of Light a soul that started in the abyss? That was drawn to the light and had goodness? As souls can do evil in our Light of the universe and darkness surrounds our souls. Do the evil in the abyss have light that surrounds them? Did the Lady of Light basically level up so much in the Abyss that she belonged with us in the Light? So Thoth went and got her. And I guess they gave her up pretty easy because she was probably a real party pooper down there leading the evil entities astray and preaching goodness or some such shit like that?


Okay any of this on the right track or am I off on a dead end?

Anonymous ID: c93f4a Dec. 24, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.4453761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3790


Well you need a little steak, a little marshmellow, a little hot fudge, some nuts and a cherry on top.


I am happy being nuts.


We gathered here, figuring out figuring out who is crazy. We will all go out for a nice coffee.


And this is the dream of beauty people like me…and all the other people.

Love you guys no homo.