Anonymous ID: f5ee01 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.4453051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3058 >>3508 >>3610 >>3748



New batches of displaced Syrians return from Lebanon

In framework of the efforts exerted by the Syrian Government in cooperation with the Lebanese side, hundreds of displaced Syrians on Monday returned from Lebanon through the border crossings of al-Zamrani, Jdeidet Yabous and al-Dabbousyia heading for their villages and towns which have been liberated from terrorism by the Syrian Arab Army.


Grospic: Solving crisis in Syria through respecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity

Head of the Czech Parliamentary Committee for Friendship with Syria Stanislav Grospic stressed that solving the crisis in Syria can’t be achieved without respecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity and the legitimate government in it.


Lavrov: Washington continues to violate Security Council’s main resolutions on Syria

“Washington continually puts new conditions that violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria despite of that these principles are mentioned by the main resolutions of the Security Council,” Lavrov affirmed.

He added “Let’s see what the result of leaving Syria which was announced by US President Donald Trump will be.”>>4452957


Erdogan Does Not Object To Damascus’s Control Over Al-Hasaka: The Kurds Choose Between Loyalty To Syria Or Defeat By Turkey

Damascus rejected this proposal and instead proposed a special status for the Kurdish administration within Syria, opening the road for members of the YPG to join the Syrian Army in a special Kurdish and Arab contingent.

“There will be no other army on the Syrian territory but the national Syrian Arab Army”, were the instructions of President Bashar al-Assad to the Syrian delegation engaged in dialogue with the Kurds, according to this source.

On the possibility of Turkish forces advancing into Manbij and their massive deployment on the bordering province, the source confirmed that “Russia informed President Erdogan that it will not accept any crossing into the province, and that it will be up to the Syrian army to move in if the US withdraws its troops from the occupied area”.


Map Update: Violations Of Ceasefire Regime In Syria’s Idlib Demilitarized Zone


Syrian War Report – Dec. 24, 2018: France Plans To Replace US Forces In Syria

Syrian government and pro-Iranian sources have increased their activity in the eastern part of Syria in response to the announced decision of the US administration to withdraw troops from the country.

On December 22, a spokesperson for Iraq’s Kata’ib Hezbollah, Jafar al-Husseini, told al-Mayadeen TV that the group is ready to coordinate with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in order to protect Syrian Kurds.


Macron Slams Trump’s Decision To Withdraw U.S. Forces From Syria

“To be allies is to fight shoulder to shoulder. It’s the most important thing for a head of state and head of the military,” Macron said during a news conference in Chad, according to the Reuters news agency.

The French leader added that the US-led coalition “shouldn’t forget” what it owes to the SDF, which has been fighting under the coalition’s banner for three years now.

Anonymous ID: f5ee01 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.4453078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3508 >>3600 >>3610 >>3660 >>3748

TRIPLETS all become autistic within hours of vaccination… see shocking video that has the vaccine industry doubling down on lies and disinfo


A VAXXED video that has been banned almost everywhere is going viral on, the Youtube alternative video community for free speech on vaccines, GMOs, natural medicine and more.


As the video shows below, healthy triplets all became autistic within hours of vaccination, once again demonstrating that vaccines cause autism. The parents, the McDowell family in Detroit, Michigan, have spoken out publicly against the horrific medical violence being committed against children every day across America through toxic vaccines. (See for more reporting on vaccines and autism.)


The names of their three children, pictured above, are Richie, Robbie and Claire. All three children were vaccinated on the same day, and within hours, they all become severely autistic.


In their own words:


On June 25th, 2007, we brought them in for the [vaccine] shot… we went in at 10 am. All three. My daughter still has the mark on her leg from the shot… we did the boys as well. By noon, Claire shut completely off. It was as if she was blind, and deaf, and complete failure to thrive, from super super happy, smiley girl to… she had full blown eye contact, and she shut right down. All she did was stare at the ceiling.


At 2:00 we watched Richie shut off. All his mama, dadda, and the furniture walking and everything just shut of. All the giggles, all the smiles, again failure to thrive. They lost all their reflexes… they stopped blinking, yawning, coughing, sneezing, they lost their startle reflex… that was 2:00.


The worst was when we saw the final one shut down. We lost Robbie, he looked like he was hit by a bus. He had a stunned look on his face… he acted deaf, he lost his happiness. They were no longer engaged in anything or anyone. They lost their smiles. They never held hands again, never looked at each other again. (Crying)


Vaccine injury is real. We were told is was genetic, then we were told there was no way three children were shut off on the same day… it was statistically impossible. We were told we could not sue anyone. No vaccine manufacturers could be sued. We found out [later] there was a vaccine injury court. They then told us we were too late, [we] only had three years to apply.


See the full video on the only video community site that dares to publish vaccine truth videos without censorship,

Anonymous ID: f5ee01 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.4453098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pakistan’s Former PM Sentenced to 7 Years for Corruption


ISLAMABAD—An anti-graft tribunal sentenced former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to seven years in prison for corruption on Monday Dec. 24, drawing criticism from his party, which said the decision was a “black spot” on the justice system.


The verdict came after Sharif was removed from power last year over corruption allegations. Sharif, who was serving his third stint as prime minister, has denied any wrongdoing.


He is accused of possessing assets beyond his known sources of income, and was arrested after the ruling was announced. He can appeal the verdict, under which he was also fined $25 million. The same court acquitted him in a second case.


“They had to punish him and they have punished him in a false case,” said Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, a top leader of Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League party, who served as prime minister when Sharif was removed from power last year.


“People will not accept this verdict,” he said.


Sharif was sentenced to 10 years in prison in July over the purchase of luxury apartments in London. He appealed that sentence and was released on bail in September, along with his daughter and her husband, who were co-accused in the case stemming from documents leaked from a Panama law firm.


The two cases on which the court ruled Monday were related to Sharif’s foreign assets, which he insists are owned by his sons. His two sons, who are currently living in London, were declared absconders by the court.

Anonymous ID: f5ee01 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.4453123   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Battle of the billionaires brewing? Trump could meet his match in 2020


Donald Trump is the richest president in U.S. history – but as he gears up for a re-election campaign, the real estate magnate could end up facing off against someone even wealthier.


The budding 2020 field of potential challengers includes no fewer than four fellow billionaires.


The wealthiest of the pack, by far, is former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The media mogul and gun control advocate’s net worth is estimated at nearly $52 billion, according to the latest Forbes 400 Richest Americans list.


That dwarfs Trump, whose wealth is estimated by Forbes at $3.1 billion (though Trump has claimed his net worth is higher). Bloomberg may be the best-known of the billionaires eyeing a bid – and the most likely to take the plunge, given recent trips to early-voting states and a public switch back to the Democratic Party after years as an independent – but several others have stirred speculation.


They include: Hedge fund-manager-turned-environmental-activist Tom Steyer (worth $1.6 billion, says Forbes); former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz (worth $3.3 billion); and investor and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban (worth $3.9 billion).


It’s unclear if any of them would decide to run. While Cuban reportedly is flirting with a White House bid as a Republican or independent, the other three would be entering a sprawling Democratic field that includes high-profile senators and several former presidential candidates.


Avoid indictment run in 2020 would be a more accurate headline!

Anonymous ID: f5ee01 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.4453134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3508 >>3610 >>3748

Saudi Arabia Agrees to Finance Rebuilding of Syria - Trump


US President Donald Trump said in a statement on Monday that Saudi Arabia has agreed to pay for the reconstruction of Syria rather than the United States financing the reconstruction of that country.


"Saudi Arabia has now agreed to spend the necessary money needed to help rebuild Syria, instead of the United States," Trump said via Twitter.


Trump has welcomed Riyadh's decision, adding that it is "nice when immensely wealthy countries help rebuild their neighbors rather than a Great Country, the US, that is 5000 miles away."


The US president's comment comes after, on Wednesday, he announced that the United States would withdraw its roughly 2,000 troops from Syria since the Daesh* terror group had been defeated. However, the White House later clarified the decision does not mean the US-led international coalition's fight against the Daesh has ended.


Democratic and Republican lawmakers in the US Congress who have supported US military engagement and intervention throughout the world have criticized Trump’s decision, saying that a US troop withdrawal from Syria will lead to the reemergence of the Daesh and aid Russia, Turkey and Iran fulfilling their interests in the region.

Anonymous ID: f5ee01 Dec. 24, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.4453174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3187 >>3508 >>3555 >>3610 >>3748

Dow plunges 650 points in worst Christmas Eve EVER after Trump renews attack on Federal Reserve chairman and Steve Mnuchin panics the markets by convening crisis meeting


Dow dropped more than 600 points in trading Monday

That made it the worst Christmas Eve on record

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin called the heads of six leading banks Sunday

Offered reassurances of their ability to lend and proper market functioning

The fact that he reached out had potential to cause further jitters

Government shutdown, trade war, and Trump chaos concerning markets

Trump blasted the Fed following its latest interest rate increase

He is reportedly discussing trying to remove fed chair Jerome Powell

Mnuchin conducted outreach from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

U.S. market index futures all dropped early Monday


Much more:

Anonymous ID: f5ee01 Dec. 24, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.4453232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3239

Trump blasts Senate Democrats who gave Bush $1.4 billion for border fencing in 2006 and voted for more money in March as shutdown heats up over his demand for a new $5 billion


Democrats in the Senate approved nearly $1.6 billion for border security funding in March, including hundreds of millions for U.S.-Mexico border fencing

They backed a more ambitious project in 2006 that built nearly 700 miles of fencing on the border

Now many of the same lawmakers are opposing Trump's demand for $5 billion in new funding for a steel fence, money the House green-lighted last week

Trump erupted on Twitter, claiming that the only reason Democrats are opposing a wall now is that he's the president who wants it built


Donald Trump tweeted a slap at Senate Democrats on Monday, complaining that many of them voted to fund a U.S.-Mexico border fence 12 years ago – and claiming they're only opposing it now because he is president.


'Virtually every Democrat we are dealing with today strongly supported a Border Wall or Fence. It was only when I made it an important part of my campaign … that they turned against it,' the president wrote.


The Senate passed a giant funding bill nine months ago that provided $1.57 billion for border security, including a limited amount of 'pedestrian fencing' and 'secondary fencing.'


The final vote was 65 to 32. Of the nine senators in the Democratic leadership, seven voted in favor of it. Only Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, among the most liberal lawmakers in Congress, refused to support the bill.


Among the 'yes' votes were Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin and Patty Murray, the top three Senate Democrats.


Trump was also referring to a far more ambitious 2006 Senate bill that passed by an 80 to 19 margin. The Secure Fence Act provided the George W. Bush administration with $1.4 billion for 652 miles of double-layer border fencing.


Then-senators Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton supported it. Schumer and Murray also voted yes.


Trump has mocked many in their party for what he sees as a political flip-flop, now that the House has passed $5 billion in new wall funding only to see it stalled by Senate Democrats.


The resulting stalemate resulted in a partial government shutdown over the weekend when senators couldn't agree on a funding package to keep a quarter of the federal budget flowing.

Anonymous ID: f5ee01 Dec. 24, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.4453292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3480

Huge Backlash After 11-Year-Old Boy Dressed in Drag Promoted by Media as ‘Future of America’


The mainstream media received a huge backlash for promoting an 11-year-old “drag kid” as the ‘future of America.’


11-year-old Desmond Napoles, who goes by the stage name, “Desmond is Amazing,” is a prepubescent boy who performs drag and participates in various LGBT rallies.


Desmond appeared on “Good Morning America,” last month wearing a wig, dress, high heels and makeup and the audience cheered as he performed for them.


This weekend, CNBC aired a piece promoting Desmond as the ‘future of America’ and walked him through his “journey” on how he got into the “drag” lifestyle.


The vignette posted by CNBC shows Desmond was exposed to the “drag” lifestyle by his mother when he was just two years old.


The child is seen applying makeup while wearing dresses and tutus performing at various events.


Desmond’s mother, who is also his ‘manager’ says her son gets bullied online by people who accuse her of child abuse.


So now other adults who are genuinely concerned for this child’s safety and well being are the bullies….

Anonymous ID: f5ee01 Dec. 24, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.4453321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Obsession with consumerism will destroy the world of our children – Ken Livingstone


Amid growing climate change concerns what politicians fear most is not standing up to the coal and oil industries but having to tell the people that they need to buy and consume less.


As two hundred nations gathered in Poland to discuss climate change the opening comments of David Attenborough went global across the world’s media.


“Right now we are facing a man-made disaster of global scale, our greatest threat in thousands of years… climate change… If we don’t take action the collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon… Leaders of the world, you must lead. The continuation of civilisations and the natural world upon which we depend is in your hands,” said Attenborough.


He went on to recommend that ordinary people make a change every day by using public transport and other measures to reduce carbon emissions.


Yet for all Attenborough’s warnings we have seen the election of a climate change denier to the White House in the form of Donald Trump and the recent election of a Brazilian president who also denies climate change. So what is the truth?


The simple fact is that the twenty warmest years in our history have been in the last twenty-two years and the four warmest years have been the last four years on our planet.


Scientists are now warning that we need to increase our actions to tackle climate change by at least five times, merely to stop the increase in temperature going above 1.5 centigrade.


It’s not just temperatures that threaten our existence. Since 1970, we have wiped out 60 percent of birds, mammals, reptiles and fish across our planet. This information comes from a World Wildlife Fund report which drew on the evidence of 59 scientists around the world.

Anonymous ID: f5ee01 Dec. 24, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.4453426   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Excerpt from “Economic Armageddon and Financial Apocalypse Are Upon Us”


DISCLAIMER: “… It is the Federal Reserve System, and its fatally flawed practice of debt-driven, fractional reserve banking that is the object of our scorn and derision. Likewise, it is the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) that deserves our condemnation and searing criticism. Why? Because the FED is not legitimate. It is not a properly constituted or correctly legislated organ of government, and it’s actually a privately owned consortium of banking agents whose ownership is more foreign than domestic. The FED is legally unfit to conduct business on behalf of the American people since, as a private entity, it lacks the congressional oversight necessary when appropriated funds have been allocated by the legislative branch of government. The printing presses of the FED produce notes – as in promissory notes – which are nothing but instruments of indebtedness for all who possess them. Not too unlike credit cards, actually. Therefore, the money that it prints is counterfeit. Is it surprising that an international, privately owned crime syndicate, which issues fake money, would be the biggest player in the worldwide funny money monopoly game that is bringing the entire world of commerce, finance and business to a virtual standstill? We are talking about the greatest ongoing financial crisis in recorded history. And the FED is institutional PUBLIC ENEMY #1 responsible for this multi-decade crime spree.“

Anonymous ID: f5ee01 Dec. 24, 2018, 11:27 a.m. No.4453436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3471 >>3610 >>3748





We all know, or at least are starting to know, about the stop/fight 'the cabal part of this GREAT AWAKENING' But it goes a lot deeper than that.


To begin to address this in a manner which is digestible it is best to realize that the fight is not just one for our countries. We know they want us divided but there is another often overlooked division, that is the division of the mind, body and soul. They have used chemicals in our food supply to condition us to be compliant and to encourage illness. They use other chemicals and heavy metals in our water to dumb us down and cause disease of the mind, they use fluoride, among other things, to shut down our PINEAL GLAND thus shutting off our spiritual connections (SOUL).


Brothers and Sisters the other major part of this fight between good v evil is in us all, it is in the hearts and minds of men and women.


If we all simply CHOSE to do the right thing evil would cease to exist in an instant.


The CHOICE is yours!


Peace over war

Right over wrong

Faith over fear

Others over self

Strength over violence

Light over dark

Truth over lies


Cleanse your mind, body and soul for enlightenment!