Anonymous ID: af6628 Dec. 24, 2018, 3:47 p.m. No.4456104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6115 >>6219 >>6384

>>4454708 pb

New Knowledge DIGG, con't.


Russian Bot Narrative Exposed as Fake News?? Tim Pool on Jonathon Morgan, New Knowledge & #Hamilton68


Tim Pool just posted a new video on the New Knowledge research project carried out in Alabama to see whether "Russian bots" could influence the outcome of a campaigm. This was covered by the NYT ( and then mentioned in Q post 2635 as an example of Democratic fuckery.


Pool does not name the company (New Knowledge), the CEO (Jonathon Morgan), or the research director who wrote the report on the "small experiment" (Renee Diresta). But he does cite repeated examples of "hit" jobs on conservatives coming from this company (New Knowledge). (He also slips and mentions Morgan by name once, so we know who he's talking about.)


Pool reads aloud from the NYT: Says that a group of "Democratic tech experts" sought to imitate the tactics of Russian bots that supposedly influenced the 2016 election. The report gives the impression that the experiment was too small to actually have an effect on the election. Pool is skeptical and goes on to say why.


Notes and Quotes from Pool:


"[New Knowledge] has been cited dozens of times in various stories smearing conservative news sites and conservatives in general."


"At the very least, we are looking at questionable stories across the board….or a massive misinformation campaign."


Pool cites this quote from Morgan in 2017: "Russian trolls, trapped by #Hamilton68, are taking an interest in the Alabama Senate race."


But just what is #Hamilton68?


It is a secret list allegedly used to track 600 alleged Russian bots and other mainstream news accounts that push the "Kremlin narrative.


Pool found that many anti-conservative companies were citing #Hamilton68 data to document the alleged activity of Russian bots. Pool thinks that #Hamilton68 generates fake data. As a result, "we can only assume that every company citing #Hamilton68 is–well, it's probably fake."


Examples of stories citing data from #Hamilton68:

Rolling Stone: "Release the Memo: What's the Conspiracy Behind the Right-Wing Meme?"

Snopes: "Fake News and Bots Target Author of Democratic Memo"

Quartz: "Russian Trolls and Bots are Flodding Twitter with Ford-Kavanaugh Disinformation"

Mother Jones: "After Russia Attacked Ikrainian Ships, These Twitter Accounts Joined the Battle"

Haaretz: "How Putin and the Far Right Played the Paris Yellow Vests Protests"


Pool says these examples are only a handful of the ones he saw on the Web.


Even the Left has its suspicions about #Hamilton68: Columbia Journalism Review lamented the fact that #Hamilton68 data was being called into question. Forbes investigated the #Hamilton68 data, but couldn't find evidence it was real.


Pool concludes that "this organization [New Knowledge] engages in false flag operations to smear–at least in this instance–Republicans." Pool thinks it is likely that this is not the only time. Says this organization is typically the main one cited in stories like this; speculates that if the #Hamilton68 citation were removed from media stories on the influence of Russian bots, maybe there would be no story at all.


New Knowledge/Morgan/Diresta DIGG (all PB):

>>4442263, >>4442268, >>4419873, >>4419894, >>4393450, >>4406880 (Diresta), >>4401827, >>4401839, ; >>4402110, >>4401827, >>4401839 (NK & Data for Democracy), >>4393443, >>4393163, >>4393021; 4393021, >>4384742, >>4385056, >>4383975, >>4384160, >>4383975, >>4384160 (Morgan & NK)…there's even more that is more general.


QResearch archive mentions #hamilton68 eight times. GOOD PLACE TO START A #HAMILTON68 DIGG.

Anonymous ID: af6628 Dec. 24, 2018, 3:54 p.m. No.4456173   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Well, when all you can think about is people getting arrested, you don't fit in well at bubbly Christmas parties…..


My dad died just before Christmas in a place far from home. His friends, whom I didn't know, invited me over for brunch. I found myself in the room with small children. It was great. They were so natural and unaffected. Opened something in me; now I just love kids (different than before).


So some parties are memorable. But, yeah–I'd rather be here doing diggs and making memes!

Anonymous ID: af6628 Dec. 24, 2018, 4:02 p.m. No.4456264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6296


I can't give you an answer, not really my area. I focus on fake news, and the story to which you responded is on fake bots. I think you're just bouncing off my post because it's slightly but not really related.

Anonymous ID: af6628 Dec. 24, 2018, 4:13 p.m. No.4456384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6446


I know very little about bots but Jonathon Morgan is a highly suspicious source, as well documented by anons recently (see >>4456104).


One of Morgan's quotes in the article cited:


"The Trump campaign’s “bot army” was well documented during the campaign."



Anonymous ID: af6628 Dec. 24, 2018, 4:37 p.m. No.4456651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6686 >>6699


Never watched the Queen when I was there….but I miss all the wonderful puddings and cheeses. I know there are problems now, but I really loved Britain when I was there. I post a lot on Brexit, Tommy Robinson, yellow vests in Britain….sincerely wish you and your family the very today.

Anonymous ID: af6628 Dec. 24, 2018, 4:44 p.m. No.4456717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6897


Unless we know someone personally, it can be hard to assess ultimate motives except maybe over time. But there is literally no one else (except maybe Katie Holmes) who speaks out against rape gangs. And the Brit msm absolutely savages him over this. And grossly misreported the numbers of Brexit vs ant-Brexit demostrators on Dec. 9. My philosophy: the enemy or my enemy is my friend. And I really hate the British press (or at least what they do to people).