Anonymous ID: 072caf Dec. 24, 2018, 5:03 p.m. No.4456913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6919

bona fides:

Here since October 2017, almost every bread archived offline (had a few bad moments when dedication flagged and listened to the “Aw fuck it!” voice)


This post is intended for the true anons, those who know the power of living beyond the ego offers WAY MORE FUN than serving the tyrant of a subjective ego!


This post is also directed at the insincere lice who have infested the body politic, who have yet to see beyond their collective subjectivity, consciously or unconsciously working for the globalist control agenda, but who are still identifying as human. This includes those, you know who they are, who try to narrate control over the board, by acting like oldfags guiding newbies, but are actually gay deceivers, performing the same role as the media Matrix bad actors droning

their lies over top of reality.


By now, we have ALL had our perceptions and intuition ENHANCED by being here and sifting with an active open mind through the concerted efforts of HELL to keep us in it, so we can spot a shill, troll, hasbara or needy ego instantaneously!


Great Awakening


The name was chosen for this movement for many reasons.


‘’’Bigger than we can ever imagine!’’’

Recall that this post by the Q group rankled some posting as if they were anons, because all thought that they had great imaginations and knew how to use them!


There have been many informative posts NOT using the language coopted for religious mind control, but nevertheless describing metaphysical truths, all of which MUST eventually align with what the Holy Spirit/Spirit of Christ reveals to all who seek with their whole mind, body and soul.


OK, so what could be bigger than:

• Aliens?

• The holographic universe?

• The Matrix model of human consciousness trapped within a virtual simulated reality?

• Millennia of mind control over the human mass mind?

• A continuity of a cult of would-be planetary controllers extending beyond official history?

• Deeply entrenched corruption and gaslighting of the population, same as it ever was?


Some anons have pointed to the mental limitations we have all been trained to accept, in the form of limiting beliefs, disempowering perceptions and lifelong frustration of the human purpose.

The essence of the control strategy for human avatars hosting timeless spirits by those willing to serve the Snarklord, is to simply distract people from their own depths, using famine, war and ‘’civilization’’ to waste their time focused like monomaniacs on material survival.


Somewhere in the deepest recesses of our minds, we have glimpsed the ‘’’ON SWITCH’’’ that connects us directly, no human intercession required, to our core being, which is of course, the ONE BEING expressing Itself through all of Creation.


However, through the force of lifetimes of habit, we ‘’decided’’ to pretend we don’t know that we can be free at any time we desire, if we are willing to pay the price:

• Losing our current comfort zone

• Taking on the responsibility for our own experience, without excuses

• When the passion of the Creator overwhelms our control strategies, we take on the burden of our fellow humans, knowing it to be true without question but feeling it impact our little minds, big league!


We have figured out by now that in order for the learning center of physical existence to perform as intended, participants MUST believe in the illusion as real enough to kill them, because it can!


BUT, for consciousness to expand, we must eventually see through the physical projection, trace back to its Source and own OUR part in perpetuating the heart-breaking delusion that we are no more than the stardust our bodies are created from. See the creative power we have and start respecting ourselves more as wielders of that power, however clueless. Mindfulness rather than mindless abandon of rationality is a must for creativity; got to be in the moment to squeeze some joy from it!


What if this particular Universe (multiverse theory) or just this particular galaxy, was designated as a warrior training zone par excellence? What if the darkness was permitted to grow out of balance with the power of love, to provide an extra challenging lesson about Life?


What if the gaslighting by beings who should know better than to incur soul-killing karmic debts, was allowed to have its little subjective sway, to provide extra

bonus points when the puzzle is solved by the intrepid, the persistent and the relentlessly sincere!


What if the ‘’’Great Awakening’’’ goes way beyond all the freakish dark side mysteries perpetrated on humanity, beyond ruling families, beyond tribes in name only, beyond ancient alien gene splicers, beyond playing mind control games on the mass of humanity to frustrate the inner drive to awaken and know who we really are, for LIFETIMES?



Anonymous ID: 072caf Dec. 24, 2018, 5:05 p.m. No.4456925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7262 >>7604

Beyond human subjectivity exists the One Being, sharing Consciousness freely while timelessly observing all Its growth and the many usages to which consciousness is directed.


Those still comfy in the collective subjective consciousness may wallpaper with their words over the fact that just knowing the words is not sufficient to knowing anything of real value. Words are not the territory, only an inadequate, limited mind mapping of the UNLIMITED, INEXHAUSTIBLE, INFINITE POTENTIAL, to which all sentient beings are HEIRS!


The most brilliant among us finally crack their own egghead and see the OVERWHELMING TRUTH through the cracks and then try to communicate that back to us.


The Genius of Love embodied in the Christ went further and used the power present to rearrange, redesign, re-architect the rules of the virtual reality game. The surviving scriptures allude and suggest but require the individual mind to tune in to the frequency of the consciousness or spirit in which the ecstatic truths were penned.


Only the very few have ever found the end of the Matrix or discovered their mind control implants DEEPLY embedded in our psyche’s using industrial music, corrupted deceptive words and mass traumas. Implanted self-defeating lies, act as governors on hopes, ideas and emotional states, meting out to us a grim shadow of what our lives are capable of being!


If the ‘’’Great Awakening’’’ is really about awakening humankind from millennia of literal slavery, whether obvious as in the past or rendered almost invisible by the depth of the modern trance aided by technology, WHAT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY?


Uh oh, I used a word that is like a cross to vampires!


The same wise anons, no matter how many mental/physical challenges have been piled on, who know that they are responsible for creating what they experience in their lives, with input from the collective subjectivity, know that we learn by doing and being, not by thinking or slumbering in a media-induced dream.


The same courage required to speak out to the sleepwalking masses is also mandatory in TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for our thinking, our feelings and our lives.

While we wasted many lifetimes trying to awaken ourselves through the personal pain of our experiences, the true nature of the physical world was just outside of our view.




THIS is the lifetime we have been waiting for!

THIS is the time when we realize our intrinsic ONENESS, with each other and with the Creator!

THIS is the time when we grow OUT of our training wheel existence!

THIS is the time when all is revealed, INCLUDING all the shit WE DID, in our other lives!

THIS is the time when we either learn to love ourselves and others unconditionally, despite all of our evident shortcomings and all the shortfalls our heart’s hopes have crashed upon, or we will condemn ourselves to repeat the grades we failed all over again!


If we truly see ourselves, that is when we KNOW we need a CLOSER connection to our true self, our inner Sun, our Spirit gifted from the Creator, in order to transcend our familiar limitations and



When we see and forgive our own self-created cruelties, how then can we rightly condemn any other?


What will the world be like when the power of Love is wielded by an ARMY OF GENIUSES OF LOVE?


When we can wrap our imaginations around an OPEN ENDED UNIVERSE, then maybe we may scoff at the supposition that the ‘’’Great Awakening’’’ is ‘’more than we can possibly imagine’’!


Unconditional love to all anons and thank you all for being here to ‘’’midwife the new human being!’’’

Now THAT possibility is worth waking up for!


Unconditional love to all anons!

Merry Christmas!


