Anonymous ID: 3068ef Feb. 20, 2018, 6:42 p.m. No.446210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6254 >>6264 >>6287 >>6295 >>6314 >>6459 >>6472 >>6529 >>6630


Oh believe me, anon. I know.


I almost lost everything, My family.


I'll never forget the day I came home my family had to sit me down and tell me they think I needed psychological help because I "believe everything is a conspiracy when it's not"


I looked at them and said "I wish for even just one moment I could be like you and be blind and carefree and not know what I know" (this was about 10 years ago)


Basically I promised them i'd lay off the research. But I lied. I never stopped I just got really good at hiding it. I didn't know I was prepping myself for THIS..all those hours I put in, training myself to read between the lines have lead me to this. Qanon.


I always knew I would be apart of something greater


so I would stay up lurkin the chans, searching for truth. Searching for …something


And one day towards the end of Oct i'm on half chan and some anon writes "GET IN HERE BOYS" and links some thread, so I click it and there was Q


I was hooked ever since. Never missed a day. This is our divine duty, im sure of it.


OH and BTW, my family now calls me asking what the fuck is going on because they now see all the lies and deception. I cant take credit for that, I can only thank GEOTUS for waking them up


Vindication is a hell of a drug

Anonymous ID: 3068ef Feb. 20, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.446349   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think that too sometimes.


I think they genuinely believe the bullshit they spew and are trained to be allergic to the truth


they are in for a rude awakening


I cant fucking wait.