I've been pondering for the last day regarding POTUS' endorsement of Romney…. couldn't understand why he would endorse him but I knew there had to be a strategy given POTUS' own history with him as well as my own…….
Back in 2008, I had spoke to him personally during the McCain Palin rally in Nevada…..tried to get his support on the autism/vaccine issue….I couldn't get over how indifferent he was…Very power-driven….. absolutely no empathy on anything I was saying…
Thereafter, whenever his name would come up in conversations I would warn people about him making it very clear how I absolutely did not trust him!!!!!!
So when I read Trump's endorsement…. I didn't get it… And it didn't make sense to me knowing who POTUS is and what it stands for….. until now
Reading the Q drop from January 27th…CATCH AND RELEASE…..BINGO!!! NOW, it makes TOTAL SENSE