love it when my captcha has Q
I don't think so. The deal is. these Pedowooders go to the same expensive plastic surgeon who knows how to shave off years without making you look like a freak. (years off don't count when you look surprised) The problem is, these 3-4 guys that are handling all these high profile chin lifts wind up making you all into a similar person. This may just be artistic drift, like when Michaelangelo made Mary in the Pieta into his mother and got angry and tried to destroy it.
Well, this reminds me of my Chinese friend I have not seen since my crypto went from 10K to 250K in a few months.
His name:
Ho Li Chit
Anunaki = Long Neck
you need a long neck to balance that giant head. Nefrettiti was most certainly one of them. I think that the whole wig fad that brits had (their soliciters and baristers and judges still use them) was like her head dresses, designed to hide the fact that the "ruling class" was genetically different.
Merry Christmas, Boomer!!