Anonymous ID: 91732b Dec. 24, 2018, 9:49 p.m. No.4460261   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0455




>Any kind of backed money is a currency


This is can be true, but:


Not all currency is money. And that is what the real problem is.


"Currency" as we know it (read: the FRN) is a debt-based, fractional reserve currency. It is not money. It is backed by the belief that it has worth.


Actual money, is backed by a tangible, fixed weight of something whose valueโ€ฆ is not subject to sharp fluctuations in value. That's the point.


>Because you will never really be able to exchange it freely for the gold that backs it.


Any asset that is chosen to back the money will be tangible and possessed by the creator of the notes.. that's the way value backed money systems work. Gold is just the best choice for esoteric reasons. Silver can also be used.


>At best you will get one-way exchange.


Not if it's done correctly. The problem is and has always been corrupt politicians signing away the republic's wealth streams. It's all there in black and white