>>4457676 pb
Future proves past because past and present thinking determines the future. Everything is energy.
Where we are in the Revelation: The Second Horseman took peace from the Earth on Feb.25, 2009. Sauce - - See theakurians.com, Briefings Prior to and Audience Before The Most High – Translated from the original Angelic straight from The Akashic Records. The Third Horseman, Horus, the Egyptian Judge will be next to crack his Seal bringing forth the requirements for equal measure. Since Horus is in an incarnation on Nibiru, they will bear the most direct effects, but it will be also felt here on Earth. What we must be watchful of now is the reunification of the churches, all gathered back unto the Babylonian Harlot, including Islam and Judaism, then the Pope appointing himself or someone of his choosing to ocupy the Holy of Holies in the rebuilt Temple on the Temple Mount. He will declare himself "God Incarnate" instead of "Christ Vicarious" as the Pope does now. It could even be a Muslim, since currently the Mosque of Omar sits on the site . . . This is what is known as the Abomination of Desolation, and it's the no-turning-back point.