Anonymous ID: e81918 Dec. 24, 2018, 9:55 p.m. No.4460323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0391 >>0567

As Q+ and all with them continue to fight for our freedom from evil, let us not forget that today we are celebrating the birth of our original savior.


Our POTUS and his team are only human examples on a worldly scale of what God has done and is doing for all of reality.


We celebrate our Creator God being born in flesh to fulfill His promises and defeat all evil permanently Himself. He sacrificed His life for all of us, lead a movement that continues to this day to shine light in the darkness, and never once cut a corner or sacrificed His virtue.


Among us are the impatient, the cynical, the desperate, the frightened, the suffering, and the angry. As this worldwide movement advances to overcome evil and free us from slavery, let us remember it was first God who has continually freed us from slavery. In specific cases and in our spirits.


Let us recognize it is the same living and compassionate God who previously gave us leaders to see us through the chaos and who came to earth in the flesh to free us from our own sin, spiritual blindness, and death who now has given us President Trump and the thousands of patriots fighting a global and ancient evil.


God has spent the last two years demonstrating His power and authority, showing us truth, humiliating and defeating our enemies, and leading us to successive victories. As He continues to answer our prayers more thoroughly and powerfully than many of us could have hoped to see in our lifetimes, let us pause in honor of Christmas and give Him thanks and recognition. Let us pray for continued strength, protection, success, and truth.


I also give thanks with the remembrance of His past patterns for His faithful keeping of His promises. I know that even those who don’t believe in Him and/or are skeptical or distrustful of Q and the President will see His Justice. He is saving even those who don’t believe we are being saved or those who don’t realize they need or want salvation.


Thank God for bringing us eternal salvation by the birth, life, and sacrifice of Christ. And praise God for the Earthly intervention and salvation He is working for us right now.

Anonymous ID: e81918 Dec. 24, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.4460591   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Amen. Leviticus 20:1-6 is a warning that if God’s people don’t execute the most evil but instead turn a blind eye and allow them to rule, them he’ll step in and do it Himself.