Anonymous ID: 73dc95 Dec. 24, 2018, 11:48 p.m. No.4461120   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1211


Yup, because your 'arguments' have been thrown up against the wall here a thousand times prior only to be defeated.

It's a holy day, and i've already enjoyed a few too many, so why not spend the less than 5k it takes to build your own helium balloon already and equip it with a camera you trust… and come back with the pictures once you've done that.

Anonymous ID: 73dc95 Dec. 25, 2018, 12:05 a.m. No.4461190   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1207


Man, I've been trying to find this short vid I'd watched which explains that succinctly in a few minutes.. going into the minotaur, and so on…


Really though, ever since Atlantis fell due to an avarice of power- even though they'd been much more cohesive back then.. fuckin' bulls and goat and fish worship…


just another ship- worship.. akin to war-ship… you've also got scholarSHIPS, citizenSHIP.. fuckin' with spelling-words to make you think nothing of it.. but it's all there.