Anonymous ID: d1e0e2 Dec. 24, 2018, 11:42 p.m. No.4461093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1097 >>1118 >>1122

Glork busted

So if you didn't know, some wag has been posting on the board namefagging as Glork. It's got some mad drawing skills and can be 'cute' in it's work.

This anon thought maybe it was signalling (crazy i know). We know memes cause problems for (((them))).

Your scrolling the board, there's a dude waving and pointing.

Playing charades at Christmas?

I played for a bit, then it left.

Graphics related.

I think just a larpy anon. A distraction.

Make of it what you will. This is my first post with my own made graphics.

Be gentle.

Happy Christmas anons.