Why would one insane anon scream to anyone who would listen that there are major secrets in this movie that involve The Great Awakening?
Why would a major magazine devote a large article on the importance of a 35 year old forgotten movie?
What is really there to be found?
“What happened the next day—like, within hours of her death—the studio declared force majeure and filed a $15 million insurance claim to recoup their losses on the movie, and that they were terminating the production on the movie,” Trumbull says. “I was taken into a meeting with [then-MGM chairman] Freddie Fields and he said, Doug, it’s over. Terminated. I was notified that I was fired and everyone on the crew was fired, and the entire cast was fired.”
I will say that I realized what I was seeing in the movie only after two years of esoteria studies, Mark Passio videos, listening to some guy ramble on and on about Gnostic Christianity and the Goddess Sophia. But it never would of made sense until Q came out and started dropping his stuff. From November to April I absorbed Q daily. In April last year I watched the movie and within minutes I KNEW some major fuckery was going on. And as I watched I grew more and more amazed and shocked until before halfway through I had some tears. The ambition of the movie is breathtaking. I can not just give it to you piece by piece. I tried that and it does not work. You have to do the hard work to figure it out.
It is there. If you can not see it and your an honest anon it is only because you do not have enough esoteric information. But it is there. And it is very important.
It is amazing.