Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:04 a.m. No.4461501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2220


Why would one insane anon scream to anyone who would listen that there are major secrets in this movie that involve The Great Awakening?


Why would a major magazine devote a large article on the importance of a 35 year old forgotten movie?


What is really there to be found?



“What happened the next day—like, within hours of her death—the studio declared force majeure and filed a $15 million insurance claim to recoup their losses on the movie, and that they were terminating the production on the movie,” Trumbull says. “I was taken into a meeting with [then-MGM chairman] Freddie Fields and he said, Doug, it’s over. Terminated. I was notified that I was fired and everyone on the crew was fired, and the entire cast was fired.”


I will say that I realized what I was seeing in the movie only after two years of esoteria studies, Mark Passio videos, listening to some guy ramble on and on about Gnostic Christianity and the Goddess Sophia. But it never would of made sense until Q came out and started dropping his stuff. From November to April I absorbed Q daily. In April last year I watched the movie and within minutes I KNEW some major fuckery was going on. And as I watched I grew more and more amazed and shocked until before halfway through I had some tears. The ambition of the movie is breathtaking. I can not just give it to you piece by piece. I tried that and it does not work. You have to do the hard work to figure it out.


It is there. If you can not see it and your an honest anon it is only because you do not have enough esoteric information. But it is there. And it is very important.


It is amazing.

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:24 a.m. No.4461595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1621



Everyone has their talents and IQ only measures what the tester thought was important. Mostly how well you can repeat back to them rote information. Regardless of that I am not that smart. I am decent enough. But I have spent two years doing retarded amounts of esoteric studies. Because I got obsessed.


The Cabal believes in karma. In cause and effect. They KNOW they will take a hit for doing all the fuckery they are doing so they have set up a system to trick us into doing all the dirty work. They hide everything in plain sight because they have to "tell" us what they are doing. If they show us in film they are killing us and doing horrible shit and we dont stop them we have proven in their mind we are indeed the sheep they say we are and we deserve what ever we got coming to us. They created a whole "reveal the method" technique to show us things in movies, books, art. It is all around you my friend.


Our guys figured this out decades ago. They got together in a grand group of their best minds and "Brainstormed" a way out of the trap the cabal had us in.


Mirror. So the Original Q group hates the Cabal and wants to mock them as they destroy them. So they took a page out of the Cabals "reveal the method" and decided to show the cabal exactly how they were going to get the shit kicked out of them. So in the last twenty minutes you get a glimpse of the plan.


But these Q folks are not just rebels. They are in possession of technical studies done by the Cabal into the brain and life after death. The Cabal has had proof for almost half a century there is life after death. So we wanted to show that also. The biggest secret the cabal has hidden.


And they decided to put it on film. They got a dream team together. Every actor had an academy award or was a famous beauty. The director had worked on 2001 A space oddessy.


Some time during filming someone figured out what they were seeing. Hollywood is filled with esoteria fags. It is what they do. They hide shit in movies. Maybe someone saw the daily takes…maybe someone got a copy of the script.


To stop the movie they told Natalie Woods husband to kill her. He roofied Christopher Walken and the boat captain and when they were out cold he mercilessly beat then threw his wife into the water and watched her drown. People heard her cries for 20 minutes. Then this man whose career was stagnet got Hart to Hart. A tv show and had some more success. He got his payment.

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:32 a.m. No.4461645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1653


What link do you want? I wrote up an 8 page breakdown of the movie in May. I posted it but it went exactly no where. It is written pretty choppy but it details every fucking esoteric thing I see in the movie. You want that?

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:41 a.m. No.4461686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is a description of what I see in the movie BrainStorm. I believe it is a movie that was organized by the MI and merges both the Masonic Gnostic Christanity and the attempted over throw of the Jewish Slave System. I believe they commissioned the movie's plot as a kind of general outline and a declaration of war against the Cabal we see today.


The movie involves a main character Micheal who was married to a woman named Karen and they have a son named Chris.


The story involves Micheal and his coworker and higher status female named Lillian. They work for a boss named Alex.


All these characters are archtypes in religion. Alex is the creator god. Lillian is the Gnostic Sophia/pandora. Micheal is perhaps the arch angle micheal….he is also kind of Jesus. Karen is also seems to be sophia…but the mother role…Lillian is the crone older woman near death. But they are really Sophia together.


The story starts with Lillian running a test of a new mind transfer device…it allows someone to see and feel and hear and taste everything in another mind. An amazing tech breakthrough.


Another worker there named Gordon is showing Micheal everything he sees. Gordon is impulsive and driven by the things of the flesh. He hooks Micheal up to a chimp in the first test as a cruel joke….esoterically he is the tempter…and he is the 666 and the animal side of humanity. It is why he hooks micheal to the chimp.


page 1

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:41 a.m. No.4461690   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lillian tries to contain Gordon by saying this is a test… is a test. We are here to be tested.


Micheal is okay but tells Gordon that "there is something wrong with you" hinting at Gordons base human nature. More animal than man. some say this is the problem with the Jews.

This is a description of what I see in the movie BrainStorm. I believe it is a movie that was organized by the MI and merges both the Masonic Gnostic Christanity and the attempted over throw of the Jewish Slave System.


The movie involves a main character Micheal who was married to a woman named Karen and they have a son named Chris.


The story involves Micheal and his coworker and higher status female named Lillian. They work for a boss named Alex.


All these characters are archtypes in religion. Alex is the creator god. Lillian is the Gnostic Sophia/pandora. Micheal is perhaps the arch angle micheal….he is also kind of Jesus. Karen is also seems to be sophia…but the mother role…Lillian is the crone older woman near death. But they are really Sophia together.


The story starts with Lillian running a test of a new mind transfer device…it allows someone to see and feel and hear and taste everything in another mind. An amazing tech breakthrough.


pg 2

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:42 a.m. No.4461693   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another worker there named Gordon is showing Micheal everything he sees. Gordon is impulsive and driven by the things of the flesh. He hooks Micheal up to a chimp in the first test as a cruel joke….esoterically he is the tempter…and he is the 666 and the animal side of humanity. It is why he hooks micheal to the chimp.


Lillian tries to contain Gordon by saying this is a test… is a test. We are here to be tested.

The company symbol is obviously a slightly altered star of david. there are no coincidences.


Micheal goes home that night to his house. He is in a divorce and they are selling the house. A man named Barry is dating his wife….Barry means the usurper…kind of strange but that was Baraks name also. Barry….the usurper. His son Chris is aloof to Micheal….and micheal goes to his own small room… a stranger in his own house. Much like God is on Earth….


Alex learns about the tech breakthrough and wants to know if they can show him. Lillian is hesitant to open Pandoras box…she seems to fear it is not ready for prime time.


Micheals house is specially designed by himself….with lots of green and a swimming pool in the house….it looks like Earth and I am sure that is the esoteric meaning. Mike says to the prospective buyers that the house is special and has a secret closet?


Gordon begins to test the new device and is making a display for the owners of the company to see what they can do with it. Gordon is still chasing and harrassing the women and seems to tempted by the things of the flesh.


pg 3

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:42 a.m. No.4461695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They show the tech to the company chairmen and women. The symbol behind Alex looks like the star of david…and all the boardmen seem to almost be praying as they start the demonstration. They show many exciting things to the elite…..but finally Gordy drives a tractor trailor off a cliff but it does not crash….the viewer is in the clouds and goes to some beautiful places on earth…a hint that the viewer is perhaps dead. Finally they go to Rio in Brazil and show a huge statue of Jesus…..then the next scene is in a red colored room….three amazingly hot women are there…they offer the viewer many fine foods and drinks…and one woman moves her arm as if to say your Choice….I take this as a esoteric way of saying chose Jesus or choose things of the flesh.


Then there is a scene where it is on a old plaque. The kind that give a little history to the viewer. It is about a man named John Taylor….this man in real life was a Judge…and a very high mason of the Phoenix Lodge. The Phoenix can rise again after death. I find this plaque to be the Judgement that is coming from some hard core Masons.


One of the boardmembers at the demonstration comes out having been very impressed. He seems to be talking to an old buddy. Seems the meeting is not official…the boardmember is named Mr Jenkins. He will become very important later.


Alex has a great big party to show off the new tech and to brag about Lillian and Micheal to everyone. However there are also Military and Government people there. They demand to have some control over the lab. The Lab is a stand in for Earth as a whole. Lillian/sophia is furious and she wants to protect the lab/earth. Micheal is clueless as to why she is this mad. She tells him he understands nothing and needs to grow up.


pg 4

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:43 a.m. No.4461697   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lillian and Micheal have a very close relationship…almost romantic. He hugs her and kisses her and basically treats her better than his wife. This is because Lillian and Karen are really the sacred femine and Lillian is the crone and Karen is the fertile mother. She wears red alot.


Karen comes to the party with Barry the usurper…Karen ditches him and Micheal and Karen talk. He pulls her dress straps up to look more chaste and less like the whore of babylon. Which is what the red dress is all about…


Alex is upstairs alone with the Government shit heads…and he is saying they created this wonderful tech with ten years of peace and quiet…in a protective bubble. The Government demand they can have control. Alex who is actually God says the lab/earth is sacred ground. Military demand control because they paid for it….Alex pleads they leave his "people" alone.


A man in all white with white hair tries to smooth talk Lillian….but Lillian isnt having any of that shit…she says he was a dirt bag back in school and he is a dirt bag now. This guy is a stand in for Lucifer. The military say they are interested in contolling thoughts and emotions….any of that sound familar? Lillian screams the man in white…lucifer is a spy for the FEDS…and he is. But she loses the arguement and they are taking away control of the lab/earth. Lillian is furious and shows signs of being sick…it is because the is the earth and is being poisoned by the cigarettes which is basically the evils of modern man.


Gordon comes to Hal with a porn tape. It is the first thing this ass clown does after finding such a powerful tool. Gordon makes a porn. Hal says no…but he is too tempted and takes the tape. Hal plays the tape and at the moment of climax he cuts that part out and removes it.


pg 5

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:43 a.m. No.4461704   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Karen brings Micheal an upgraded headgear for the mind transfer device. He is distracted and kind of rude to her. She is pissed. He ask her to try the headgear out. She does…it records her anger. He then tries it on and replays her recording. He is confused and grows mad at her…he can feel her feelings…it upsets him. He goes home and is disturbed….he has strong feelings about Karen still. He makes a tape of his memories of her….and brings it to her as a gift. Her anger has opened his mind….and his gift makes Karen see how Micheal thinks and feels from his point of view. They remember how much they love each other…they spend time teaching each other how to do stuff with the mind transfer device. They find their old wedding clothes and make their own vows again…they are now working together as one. Man and woman as a power duo. God and Sophia.


Next morning after they wake after a long night of love making Chris/christ their child comes into the room and lays down with them and says "I knew you couldnt live without us." Meaning God will not abandon the earth or humanity.


Just then they get a panicked call from Hals wife…Hal is in a seizure coma trance. When Micheal gets to Hals house he discovers Hal had taken the orgasmic ecstacy part of the Gordon sex tape and looped it…playing the moment over and over and over for hours. Mike turns off the machine and removes Hals headgear….Hal violently grabs Mikes shirt and pulls him close…saying "Give it Micheal" If you watch close Micheal puts his hand on Hals head in what looks to be a religious healing way….the scene cuts to next day and Hal is being studied by the Lab. Hal is full of energy and seems different. His third eye is open he is illuminated he knows there is more to life than this shit and he wants to retire. The Lab is nervous and they encourage him to leave. Alex tries to cover everything up.


At the 52nd minute mark of the movie they show that the lab is under constant monitoring…the company knows everything and is watching everything.


Next Lillian is in the lab alone at night. She is working on stuff and she starts feeling sick…she burns her wrist and then begins to have a major heart attack…she attempts to call Micheal. Then she knowing she is dying crawls to the brain scan equipment and hooks herself up. She then records her own death….and even after death moment. This is Sophias gift to humanity…knowledge of heaven and life after death.


pg 6

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:44 a.m. No.4461705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alex, Mike and Karen talk as they walk out of Lillians funeral service. Alex says Mike is now in charge…They are a new trinity….Alex is God, Mike is arch angle micheal or jesus….karen is Sophia.


Hal convinces Mike to play the death tape…as they hook up they dont know the company is spying on every move. They even kind of imply this was the moment they were waiting for …did the government kill Sophia/lillian to learn some special knowledge? Mike starts the tape but the pain of Lillians heart attack is dangerous…he quickly figures a way around it but the government folks are too stupid to figure it out themselves and Gordon gets on the same connection as Micheal…the tape plays…..Going into Lillians mind he learns everything she knows…and figures out Alex has been somewhat not telling the truth….Lillian remembers Alex hollaring the Triad is over the Triad is over. Okay that is the Holy Trinity…but Gnostic style. Father mother and holy child.


I take this to mean the Jews are destroying the sacred feminine. Which they are…they have removed anything female from the trinity…which shows they are morons and up to their normal tricks.


Lillian sees a old friend who ask her isnt there more in life than work? Lillian says not for her. Alex stresses that he has never broken a promise to her…which is foreshadowing that Alex is not evil…but playing a deeper game. Dont forget Alex is God.


Micheal wakes up in the hospital…the lillian tape has been a struggle…he tells Micheal that Gordon is dead…Micheal says Alex made Gordon hook himself up…Alex says he did not. Gordon did it himself…which is free will. Gordon had choices and he made the wrong fucking ones everytime…


Mike tells Karen he wants to do the Lillian tape again…Karen makes him promise to never leave her ever ever again if Karen helps him get the tape. Mike promises…and makes the deal.


Mike returns to the lab/earth to find the Company taking over everything mike is mad but Alex says it is going to happen. Mike then goes into the assembly part of the lab and sees robots creating war equipment and mind control devices. It angers mike.


pg 7

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:44 a.m. No.4461708   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike then goes to Hal for help…says it might be dangerous and illegal. Hal like a good Patriot says fuck that shit …I am down you you my brother. Tells him of a special code word…"BrainStorm"


This begins the revolution. Mike begins to hack into the Company computers. A guard detects the computer break in and calls Mr Jenkins…he was the guy who was on the board and was very impressed with the tech in the demonstration. He seems excited at Micheal and his break in. Just wants to watch…does not give to fucks micheal is brekaing in. This is where I believe that MI can not resist the chance to put themselves into the story. They are the watchers of the watchers….sound like MI and NSA? YEP.


Mr Jenkins/MI watch as Micheal discoverers the Brainstorm file. The file looks like this


Project Brainstorm

Technical evaluation series -classified

warning these are full sensory tapes and can be extremely harmful to us.

Tape Index-coercive imprint series


Fear states

Early trauma random

early trauma selected

dreamstates neg and pos

physical pain threshold series

subdivision moderate to high


Catalyst field series anxiety

moderate to intense


Negative memory retrieval

moderate to extreme

psycotic episodes


pg 8

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:45 a.m. No.4461709   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike has discovered MKULTRA shit. The mother load of evil. Seem a random movie now:? Fuck no. The guard and Mr Jenkins are super happy….that is suspicious…..seem like they are on Micheals side…these are the good masons and MI.


The guard is unsure if they should give mike the torture tapes….Jenkins says give it to him.


The tape starts…it is a scene of a CIA dude sitting in front of a symbol on the wall that looks like a cross between the CIA symbol and the Zodiac Killers symbol with the bullseye on the Naval Station Mount Diablo….bullseye where Micheal Aquino is rumored to have done MKULTRA torture there. The Zodiac killers joke of a bomb to kill kiddies is a mind fuck… it is not a real exploding bomb…but a symbol of the satanic shit the Naval station was doing to kids….it was a ticking time bomb for humanity.


The torture part of the tape stars and Micheal sees a man strapped to a chair with what looks like a star of david on the chest area….the man is being horribly tortured.


Mike freaks out and removes the head gear…his wife drives up to the house. He is eager to talk to her about the fuckery he has seen. He runs down stairs to tell Karen but forgets about his headstrong son who goes into the room and puts the torture tape on his head…Chris has a psycotic break.


Mike is at hospital with doctors about Chris when Alex shows up. Mike gets mad but Karen makes him leave. They go to a country club for some rest…but the company is still spying on them…Mike gets publically mad and yells at the spies….Karen screams at mike to stop…it is a fake fight. They are fooling the damn company spies. Mike starts hacking back into the company computers….He takes over the controls and locks the evil bastards out..and then uses the computer to make the robots start destroying everything….they attack two guards but they dont actually hurt the guards…much like Q and Potus are attempting a revolution with low civilian deaths.


pg 9

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 1:46 a.m. No.4461714   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The guard and Mr Jenkins are watching Mike do all this sit and dont seem to give to fucks…they seem excited….they are MI for sure.


Finally they force Mr Jenkins to cut Micheal off. But Micheal is heading for KILL DEVIL HILLS to rehook up. Mike gets back into the computer and starts the Lillian death tape. Mike sees the abyss or Hell..Karen arrives and they embrace and together they explore the after death experience of Lillian.


They finally cut all power to the company lab/earth and Alex tells lucifer to stop…that it was over. Alex seems calm and happy. As if he was God and this was all a test. Mike falls dead and goes up to heaven and sees angels….but Karen screams and yells and says he promised to never leave her ever again. He returns because a man has to keep his word to his lady.


They look at the Stars together….and know the future is THEIRS


In my honest opinion…this is a blueprint of the MI plan…it was made in 1981. These guys have been in a slow python sneak attack on the Jewish Slave System.


We broke it…


They knew we would only get one chance to free ourselves…and they waited and waited till everything was perfect to wake us faggots up.




pg 10 nothing changed even the dumb yell I do at the end as I beat my faggot chest.

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 2:26 a.m. No.4461904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1916

Original Q. You really dont think this is the first time Q tired to influence society do you? You anons can think deeper than that. Watch "Brainstorm" the movie made after the MI boys settled on a plan of attack. Watch the movie and see they show you how they were going to make Alexa scare people with a spooky laugh. Watch how they were going to use the system itself to destroy the system. Watch the MI in the movie. The Watcher of the Watchers. The guy who only tries to stop Micheal when (((they))) are watching him but otherwise he roots Micheal on toward hacking in and revealing the MKULTRA torture videos. The MAP is there for any with eyes to see.


The movie is a special sort of genius….future proves past. No normie could of understood the movie for what it was in 1983. But it was the "revealing the method" the occult controllers use on US everyday. But the MI boys mirrored it. Took (((their))) love for showing us everything they plan to do to us and showed (((them))) what we plan for them.


Ever wonder what Q means when "this is bigger than you can imagine"?


Watch "Brainstorm" and understand what a group of desperate men with a deep understanding of the enemy and their occult practices would figure out. Watch the Genius brainstorming plan they came up with in the 1970's. Watch them predict the importance of hacking and the internet. This was before WARGAMES. This was the first I know of a film portray of a HERO COMPUTER HACKER.


Page 1 of another attempt last year to wake you faggots up

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 2:27 a.m. No.4461906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1916 >>2015

Why is the movie not just exciting computer hacker spy shit? Why all the Gnostic Christianity Goddess Sophia stuff there?


"The end is not for everyone" Some will never accept.


This movie is two different stories on two different levels of understanding. Exoteric is just what the public understands. It is the straight forward action of the actors in the film. That is the religion people give the normies.


Esoteric….the deeper hidden secrets of the Universe. That are occulted and hidden from mankind. This is the religion of the Universe.


You spend hundreds of hours of your life reading lines on Q. You need to make an effort to spend one and a half hours of your life watching this movie. You need to have a working understanding of Gnostic ideas. And the idea that EVERY scene is a carefully selected image to teach you something. Pay careful attention to the dialogue. It is not random. There is another story being told to you.


I will soon stop spamming the board with this.


I can only do so much as one anon. But YOU owe it to yourself to understand this film deeply. Understand this the was the original Q.


Q did not come out of the thick air. Q has been in operation for decades. But they were weak compared to (((them))). They had to sneak up on (((them)))


Watch the same MI man in the Scene where the group of board members first get a taste of the new technology. Look at his face as he has a INSIGHT This is a true representation of a true life event where some genius MI saw the way forward. When they saw the path to saving humanity.


"Brainstorm" is the map.


Page 2 of my other attempt to wake you anons up.

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 2:35 a.m. No.4461956   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have no idea what you mean by that. But you know Jews have a weird obsession with shit? Why do they? Because they reverse the natural order. Black is white. Good is evil. Beauty is ugly. And shit is good to them. Satanic Jews love shit.

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 2:59 a.m. No.4462042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2047 >>2055


Alex Jones is our guy. Q and Alex worked this play fight (play fighting is important. Brainstorm shows how much importance play fighting is) play fighting like the Bannon Book. Like the Sessions stuff. Play fighting is fun and Trump is the Greatest Troll in Human History. You all fell for it because Alex Jones and Q wanted you to fall for it.


Why? Saul Alinsky rules for radicals rule 5 and 12. Mockery. NO WAY Q was going to let the Jews label Q an Alex Jones production. Alex Jones had 20 years of buffoon video they were planning to attack Q with if they could just make Q and Alex Jones connected.


So Q told you Alex Jones liked fucking girls and was a Jew puppet and you anons who have yet to learn how to do your own thinking bought the disinformation because Q wanted you to.


Try harder guys.

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 3:09 a.m. No.4462088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2093


I actually met Springmeier in person. Ate lunch with him. Dude is calm, based and coherent.


He also went to prison fighting the Satanist for all of us. Springmeier is a legend and the history books will be very good to him.

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 3:17 a.m. No.4462116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2120 >>2150


Remember what the shills attack the hardest is often a direct tell of what they fear.


The Aliens offered humanity technology decades ago. But the Jew was too busy stealing everything and drinking our blood and fucking our kids and they knew they could not continue to control humanity if the aliens were known about and we recieved technology.


So the Jew forced humanity to suffer so they could continue to feed off us. The Jews have a saying "better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven"


Only a satanic Jew could think that shit makes sense. When even the Jew would live better in the new world of major technology and peace. But the Jew is only interested in being in charge. Because Jews are special. And deserve special treatement. Beware Jews…the special treatment you desire.

Anonymous ID: 23cc11 Dec. 25, 2018, 3:22 a.m. No.4462136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2149


I had a sandwich and potato chips. I did not observe what he ate. Or can not remember. I remember a cute blonde who was with him. She was nice and they were very kind because I had only heard of pizzagate and went searching for answers. Funny thing when I sat down with him I had no clue who he was. After a few minutes it dawned on me. Fritz is amazing. He presents very calm and spiritual. He grew rather annoyed when I said I thought the bible may have been edited by nefarious jews for power purposes. That he did not like. He said "they say that but it isnt true".