Anonymous ID: 3a3ed7 Dec. 25, 2018, 4:06 a.m. No.4462326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2570


different id- i did not argue to "put it in again". that's absurd, why would i put myself through that bullshit again? i might have explained my reasoning after being attacked for it later on when i wasn't baking but i would not and did not argue to put it in again while baking.

and for the record, i used to live in california. people in california don't say "cali" i remember at the time i was suspicious and of course there were anons on "my side" as well. it wasn't an all out war against cali anons fighting to include this graphic as you all seem to dramatically portray it. you don't know who you're talking to. i didn't look at at that other anon's posts but it's pretty easy to say "oh yea i was there and that baker did do that". it's also easy to for shills to impersonate bakers. do you see how ridiculous it is to even have these kinds of discussions?


>>4462315 THIS. much more productive to take up baking than to do this.


>>4462316 repost it and let this baker decide for himself. if he agrees with you he can link to the notable bun in the original post, change the dough, and it's a quick fix. i more so had a problem with the ben shapiro tweet notable than the other one. i gave a heads up that i was removing it and also posted the bun, and didn't hear any objections last bread.

Anonymous ID: 3a3ed7 Dec. 25, 2018, 4:14 a.m. No.4462345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2368

>>4462330 you contradicted yourself twice in 3 sentences


>complains about having to stop digging to advise captain

<argues "why not just advise captain?"


>complains about people stopping their specialties

<stops "digging specialty" to take on the role of advising bakers


anons can multitask. you're not a digger because diggers are too busy digging to complain. idk what you are.