Anonymous ID: 5872bc Dec. 25, 2018, 3:59 a.m. No.4462304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2331 >>2338 >>2444

Here I sit the last soul on this earth to be saved and returned home. Everywhere I look are helpers and signs and signals on how to learn grow and move on. Yes I now know my pattern of being abandoned and turned on by those I love and give to. The answer is not in them it is in me. In retrospect the signs (Pink Floyd and DJT) are there. I have had many that seem to have wanted to be part of my sphere of love but could not get through the wall. By never letting anyone truly in, by never really being open and there in the moment for those I loved I drove them away. Thank you those that have taught me I will learn I will grow I will come home.