Anonymous ID: a71642 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:38 a.m. No.4462663   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2684

So that Brainstorm movie…


Take 2001 a space odyssey and… make the special photographic effects guy the director


Douglas Trumbull


His special effects dad, Donald Trumbull?

Wizard of Oz… then a gap for some wars.


Back at it in 1972…

Silent Running -Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind -> Star Wars a New Hope -> Spaceballs


So who are the Trumbulls, the hell took the father from THE WIZARD OF FUCKING OZ to…




Know what officially happened in 1973?

MK Ultra was "officially halted".


That's a hell of a resumé.

And an interdasting correlation when you consider all work and no play make Kubrick cast Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut.


Who exposed the holywood pedos?

Cruise? Spacey? Culkin? Bennington? Cornell?


Speaking of Cruise being wrapped up in all that shit but then going to Trump for basically salvation…



Anonymous ID: a71642 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:41 a.m. No.4462684   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2688


And here's something I picked up in Propaganda School by a literal Card Carrying Asshole.


What is magic?

Making you think what you sense is real.

What is Photoshop?

A tool. That I use to what?

Perform Magic.


Now… Wag the Dog.

Anonymous ID: a71642 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:59 a.m. No.4462785   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2858


Which way is up, nigga?

I'm going to fire of a stream of consciousness and then go to bed.


Let's have a quick discussion about Mass, Gravity, and Deep Sea Fish.

Mass: It's a great big universe and we're all really puny. We're just tiny little specks, about the size of Micky Rooney.

Gravity is more of a squeeze/push than a pull. "Space" and that that stuff you mentioned is is heavy.

You know what happens when you pull up deep sea fish with nothing to stabilize their pressure? Preeeeeeetty much the same if you're suddenly above teh stratosphere.


So, all that being said… Inner Space.

Is that really outer space?

When we look to outer space, we're looking into the past… we're looking at the dead or effectively (to our perspective) immortals considering the conditions any life bearing planets would be in between the time we discover them and the time we could get there (by to today's standards assuming we could figure out a generational vehicle).


So when designing a space ship, you're dealing with massive amounts of pressures and shit pushing on you.

But if you're moving through space or moving through a massive cavern inside a giant geodome in a Null Environment or floating like a ball of mozzarella di bufala… it'd be basically the same mechanics, right?


So those Foo Fighters and Nazi Electromagravenginethings….


If they're really going and coming from inside the earth, fuck how far up it could go…

That'd be a great way to travel below.

Especially if some dude made a Boring Company one day… for like… reeeeeasons…