Anonymous ID: d07459 Dec. 25, 2018, 3:44 a.m. No.4462245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2356

Dear frens

Merry Xmas

I'm back from a day with my incredible family (Ausfag time)

My brother has been smart enough actually have kids. (I always dated 'intellectual' girls, so I ended up missing that boat - my own stupid fault). I love those kids, my niece and nephew, more than anything.

But, like many of our generation, my brother had his kids very late in life.

Of course, this was because we were told that everyone had to 'find themselves' or some new-age bullshit, before they settled down and had kids.

Don't fall for this kike bullshit friends - fall in love and have babies when you're young.

Populate the world with happy healthy kids you can look after until they've got a good foundation in life.

As it is, I fear my brother and I will be long gone by the time those kids hit their twenties.

You can bet (((they))) never listened to the MOS media-backed calls for women to 'educate' or 'find' themselves before committing to a family.

Christmas is yet another reminder that the Christian family has been under attack by Communist/(((kike))) brainwashing.

The fight continues.

Proud to serve with you fags.

Love you all.

Anonymous ID: d07459 Dec. 25, 2018, 4:22 a.m. No.4462362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2385 >>2390


Thanks for sharing your experience friend.

It occurs to me that we wouldn't need so much time to 'build a nest' if much of our efforts weren't being siphoned off by the fractional reserve banking system.

There's more than enough to go around - but (((they))) convince us otherwise.