Anonymous ID: d8b8f9 Dec. 25, 2018, 4:15 a.m. No.4462348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2373 >>2443

Long, long ago in a land we call holy,

Was born a great king in a manner most lowly.

The King’s name was Jesus, his mother was Mary,

To neighbors and friends it seemed quite ordinary.


But this birth was different, it had been foretold,

By sages and prophets and seers of old.

A virgin would bring forth a child, said Isaiah,

Out of Egypt the boy would emerge, wrote Hosea.


And thus did an angel to Mary proclaim,

“Hail to thee, full of grace, and blest be thy name!”

A maid was this Mary, no more than sixteen,

And puzzled by what such a greeting could mean.


The angel continued revealing God’s plan,

She would be a mother while knowing no man.

“The power of God will enfold you, fair one,

And thus your sweet child will be known as God’s Son.”


And Mary replied to the message she heard,

“Be it done unto me as announced by your word.”

“I am but the handmaid of God,” she confessed,

“Yet all generations will hence call me blest.”


Now Caesar had called for a census from Rome

And all were required to return to their home.

So Joseph took Mary, betrothed and with child,

To Bethlehem town to be properly filed.


Arriving at last Joseph learned with chagrin,

There was for his family no room at the inn.

The only choice now was to lodge in a stable,

And take care of Mary as best he was able.


So Jesus the savior was born in such straits,

With no trumpet fare or festoons on the gates.

Swaddled in blankets and laid in a manger,

The Christ child came unto his own as a stranger.


Yet shepherds nearby who were tending their herds,

Were greeted with splendor and angelic words.

“Fear not,” spoke the host, “we bear news of great joy,”

“The Lord, mighty God, has become a small boy.”


The herdsmen went down and found Christ with his mother.

And smiled and rejoiced and embraced one another.

“He came down to save us,” they said with delight,

“And all future peoples will speak of this night.”


Both awed and amazed they returned to their flocks,

After nodding farewell to the ass and the ox.

To all on their path they proclaimed the great news

In Bethlehem town’s born the king of the Jews.


And then from the East came three men pure and wise,

They’d seen his star’s birth as they scoured the skies.

Bearing gold, myrrh, and incense, before him they bowed,

An act of the humble quite unknown to the proud.


As princes and powers in ignorance slept,

In her heart the young Virgin these mysteries kept.

For on that still night the world shifted course,

A babe in a manger its unlikely source.


The first Christmas, you see, was a simple affair,

With no rockets red or bombs bursting in air.

No Santa, no holly, and no Christmas tree,

It happened in silence, with few there to see.


Yet nothing thenceforth has been quite the same.

No redemption, no heaven, apart from that name.

So this is the reason we wish well and right,

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Anonymous ID: d8b8f9 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:20 a.m. No.4462581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2589

He came for the Jew first, and then for the Gentile.


He ordained that His own will reject Him until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled,


For in His Kingdom, their is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female… all are one for those who belong to Him.


He came the first time as babe; as a servant; as a sacrifice.


He will come again on a white horse, as a King; as a Warrior; as a Judge.


He is King of Kings and Lord of


He is the Savior of mankind for those Who will receive Him.


Praise His Holy Name.

Anonymous ID: d8b8f9 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:35 a.m. No.4462650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2774 >>2818 >>2870 >>2941

Senior Living Facility Bans All Mention of Christ This Christmas


A senior living center in Washington state is banning all forms of religious expression during this Christmas season.


The residents of Providence Place in Chehalis can't say "Merry Christmas," sing religious Christmas songs, or display any decorations with a religious theme.


The complex told a Christian resident the Federal Fair Housing Act prohibits religious expression. The resident is worried she will be punished or even evicted from Providence Place for expressing her faith during the holidays.


The Alliance Defending Freedom says the HUD has not adopted such policy and is calling on the housing center to reverse its rule. The legal group wrote a letter saying, "given that your justifications for disallowing religious holiday expression directly contradict the position of HUD on the permissibility of Christmas displays we hope that this letter will clear up these issues and that you will do away with this terrible policy."

Anonymous ID: d8b8f9 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:53 a.m. No.4462752   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Now it will come about that

In the last days

The mountain of the house of the Lord

Will be established as the chief of the mountains,

And will be raised above the hills;

And all the nations will stream to it.

And many peoples will come and say,

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,

To the house of the God of Jacob;

That He may teach us concerning His ways

And that we may walk in His paths.”

For the law will go forth from Zion

And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

And He will judge between the nations,

And will render decisions for many peoples;

And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.

Nation will not lift up sword against nation,

And never again will they learn war.


The Book of Isaiah