The war is less about what house you were raised in, and more about two things… First is your own sense of right and wrong. The other is your ability to see reality.
Most people, even in the secret orders, are good people. Imagine how maddening it must be for some, to know how many horrible things are done, yet they can go out, state it bluntly to the average people… And they will be dismissed as not knowing reality. Then - they'd suffer some manner of accident for trying to go against the cabal, and the world would keep on turning.
I think a number of our shills trying to warn us about Q are not 'just paid shills' - I think they are people so used to the cloak, dagger, and deceit that they have difficulty believing in a true awakening or a true shift out from under that system.
Perhaps I am a softie, but I think they've just been guarding the only light they know - passing a torch on from generation to generation, knowing that there have been and will be efforts to take them out.
Which is why I have said that the proof will be in the pudding. Once 'the real habbenings' begin, I think we will see a number of the secret societies begin to step out from the shadows to help put an end to said shadows… In a somewhat contradictory way.