Anonymous ID: e2d669 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:24 a.m. No.4462595   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The war is less about what house you were raised in, and more about two things… First is your own sense of right and wrong. The other is your ability to see reality.


Most people, even in the secret orders, are good people. Imagine how maddening it must be for some, to know how many horrible things are done, yet they can go out, state it bluntly to the average people… And they will be dismissed as not knowing reality. Then - they'd suffer some manner of accident for trying to go against the cabal, and the world would keep on turning.


I think a number of our shills trying to warn us about Q are not 'just paid shills' - I think they are people so used to the cloak, dagger, and deceit that they have difficulty believing in a true awakening or a true shift out from under that system.

Perhaps I am a softie, but I think they've just been guarding the only light they know - passing a torch on from generation to generation, knowing that there have been and will be efforts to take them out.


Which is why I have said that the proof will be in the pudding. Once 'the real habbenings' begin, I think we will see a number of the secret societies begin to step out from the shadows to help put an end to said shadows… In a somewhat contradictory way.

Anonymous ID: e2d669 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:54 a.m. No.4462759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2787


Well, I could go back over my research into Clinton, Albright, Banna, etc. I was developing a sort of navigable map of all the connections and points… But ran into some nuances or limitations of the software and kind of dropped it.


You're not entirely without point, anon.


I put in a lot of work years ago connecting a lot of the hard dots and stating my case. Right now, quite honestly, I am waiting for the cases to start dropping that signal I can fill out FOIs for things I want the hard documents for. I'll admit to being in a bit of a holding pattern, and I think most are in similar boats.


I could be wrong, though.

Anonymous ID: e2d669 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:12 a.m. No.4462853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2874


I get what you are saying, hun, I do.

I think you are getting a bit too wrapped around trying to poke holes in Q while missing the bigger picture. The cases that are on the docket at the courts, the turns they are taking and how those line up with prior drops, as well as what people have picked up about prior cases involving espionage where manafort is implied.


I agree that anons can get a little too wrapped up around chasing six pixels and a time stamp - but who am I, or you, to direct their autism?

I told an r-fag a while back that I think he's chasing phantoms and justifying his belief as evidenced based on the amount of effort he had to go to find that evidence… Rather than the relevance of said evidence/belief…. But I'm not going to tell him that nothing ever exists in the type of work he does. Who knows - he could be right and I am just too foolish or stupid to see it.


If you're trying to help these anons become more productive or something, I'm not really sure this is a method that does anything other than further embitter you toward them.

Anonymous ID: e2d669 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:22 a.m. No.4462904   🗄️.is 🔗kun


To be fair, anon, people here do often use strong language and seem to drive each other into a tizzy as they wish misfortune upon many within the cabal.

I can't claim to be different or a truly good person. I hate hillary for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with pizza, and while pedophilia/human trafficking are problems in our society, I think people have an oddly dramatic reaction to it which seems to trivialize the gravity of what that problem really means.


My friends and I discussed something a while back about cartoons and how they have changed. We ended up watching the first episode of He Man… And while it was campy as could be, it was interesting that He Man always seemed to hope for better for his enemies. He wasn't going to let Skeletor complete his evil plots - but he also wasn't going to kill him, either.


I'm not saying that death has no place in the world … But this is a value we have distanced ourselves from - believing in the goodness of people or their ability to change.

True, skeletor wasn't a pedophile and murderer, but neither is the overwhelming majority of most of the world.