Anonymous ID: f4a533 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:05 a.m. No.4462822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2875

Asian stocks follow Wall Street plunge after Donald Trump's tweeted criticism of the US Federal Reserve


Asian stocks plunged on Tuesday following heavy Wall Street losses triggered by President Donald Trump's labelling of the Federal Reserve as being the American economy's "only problem".


Japan's Nikkei 225 fell by an unusually wide margin of 5% to 19,155.14. The Shanghai Composite Index ended off 0.9% at 2,504.82 after being down as much as 2.3% at midday. Benchmarks in Thailand and Taiwan also declined.


Markets in Europe, Hong Kong, Australia and South Korea were closed for Christmas.

Anonymous ID: f4a533 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:08 a.m. No.4462836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2870 >>2878 >>2941

Crime against humanity: Triplets all become autistic within hours of vaccination


The following story is heartbreaking to say the least. This a drama no one should suffered and it should be treated as a crime against humanity. Heads should have fallen under the guillotine for this yet nobody paid a dime, nobody served a day in jail. Ladies and gentlemen, we are officially led by Satan who is now openly abusing children, making them trannies against their will and so on. After this, Pizzagate doesn’t sound so crazy after all, most likely everyting in there is real. The fact that its not publically admited by the perpetrators doesn’t mean its not real. Why would they admit its real??????? So they can self-incriminate and go to jail? America truly is a third world hellhole.


A VAXXED video that has been banned almost everywhere, especially on Youtube is going viral on, the Youtube alternative video community for free speech on vaccines, GMOs, natural medicine and more.


As the video shows below, healthy triplets all became autistic within hours of vaccination, once again demonstrating that vaccines cause autism. The parents, the McDowell family in Detroit, Michigan, have spoken out publicly against the horrific medical violence being committed against children every day across America through toxic vaccines. (See for more reporting on vaccines and autism.)


The names of their three children, pictured above, are Richie, Robbie and Claire. All three children were vaccinated on the same day, and within hours, they all become severely autistic.

Anonymous ID: f4a533 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:12 a.m. No.4462854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2870 >>2941

BREAKING: Government SWEEP Results In Massive TAKEDOWN


Eight Members of Springfield-to-Vermont Drug Trafficking Organization Charged


BOSTON – Eight members of a drug trafficking organization operating between Springfield, Mass., and Barre, Vt., were indicted in federal court in Springfield in connection with a drug conspiracy involving money laundering and illegal firearms trafficking. A Hampden County Superior Court employee was also charged in the indictment.


The following eight individuals were charged in a 24 count superseding indictment unsealed today in connection with a heroin trafficking conspiracy. Each of the defendants were charged with conspiracy to distribute heroin, cocaine, and crack cocaine. Six of the defendants are alleged to have engaged in money laundering offenses, two of the defendants allegedly conspired to engage in the unlicensed dealing of firearms, and a Hampden County Superior Court employee is alleged to have made false statements to federal agents in connection with the investigation. Four of the defendants are already in federal custody having been originally charged and arrested on Jan. 12, 2018; three defendants were arrested today and one is a fugitive.

Anonymous ID: f4a533 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:18 a.m. No.4462883   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Patriotic Countries That Rejected the UN’s Global Governance of Migration in 2018


2018 was the year that the United Nations made it first attempt at the global governance of migration — a move rejected by patriotic countries like the United States, Hungary, Israel, and Australia.


On December 19th, 152 countries at the UN General Assembly in New York City voted in favour of adopting the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration.


A dozen countries abstained, including Australia and Italy, and five countries voted against it, three in the European Union — the United States, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Israel.


— Mama Merkel: from migrant crisis to migration management —


The UN began drafting the document in response to Europe’s migrant crisis of 2015, fuelled by German Chancellor Angela Merkel unilaterally suspending the EU regular asylum rules and throwing open the gates to more than one million migrants from the Third World

Anonymous ID: f4a533 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:24 a.m. No.4462919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>2979

The 2 Nordic women who were beheaded in Morocco were Cringe Leftists who complained about Islamophobia


So more info is coming out about the the two Nordic women hikers, one Danish and the other Norwegian, who ended up gang raped and then brutally killed by being beheaded alive in Morocco by a couple of random Muslims whom the authorities lie that they were ISIS members whom in fact weren’t. These men weren’t ISIS members, there is zero ISIS presence in Morocco and there is zero evidence that they were ISIS members who actually participated in any ISIS fight such as Syria or Iraq. This isn’t a terrorist attack, this is just your average Muslims killing “dirty and filthy white kafirs“.


European authorities whom are very anti-white and hellbent on genociding all whites out of existence by any means necessary and ASAP, are having hard times explaining this one away, downplaying it, so they invented this lie “ohh hey, you know not all Muslims are bad, this is just a very rare isolated case and the killers were ISIS terrorists”. They did indeed release a video where they pledge allegiance to ISIS but the video was released AFTER the murders not before.


Probably the Moroccan police captured them and forcefully put them to make this video so they can whitewash their country’s name. And even if they were actual ISIS terrorists, would it make you feel better if you are killed by ISIS terrorists than by average Muslim civilians? Its still a brown hand with a knife slashing your white neck. So what’s the difference? Muslims killing white kafirs hasn’t started with ISIS. ISIS only came in existence recently in the last few years but Muslims have been killing whites for hundreds of years now. Turks of the Ottoman empire for example called white Christians “giaours” which is basically “filthy disbelievers”.

Anonymous ID: f4a533 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:28 a.m. No.4462948   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syrian women to the EU: “Kick our men out and send them home, we need them here”


The war in Syria has led to a shortage of men in the country. Now the Syrian women want their men back, and ask the EU to “kick them out” so that they return and help rebuild the country.


The conflict in Syria is coming to an end. Donald Trump has stated that IS is defeated and promised to withdraw all US troops from the area.


Even Israel argues that the war is over, and Russia Today pumps out images of Christmas celebrations in Damascus.


The long, bloody war has left deep traces in Syria’s demographics. An on-site reporter notes that “about 70 per cent of the people he meets are young women”.


“Look around, you see only women. At the University, in the street, in cafes, only women. Most young men left Syria,” says the female students Safaa and Sheima.