Anonymous ID: 0e104f Dec. 25, 2018, 6:40 a.m. No.4463025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3052 >>3102 >>3192 >>3579

>>4462892 (PB)

This would not be news to anyone who isn't a pagan or false Christian. Christmas is a pagan holiday dressed up to look Christian. Real Christians celebrate Christ's death because that is what he said they should do after he's gone. Why? Because his sacrificial death is the means by which mankind will be saved. Nowhere in the record is it said that early Christians celebrated Christmas or believed it to be associated with the birth of Christ. The fake-ass Catholic church blended that in years later. What happened on the Saturnalia (December 25) besides worship of the sun and pagan sex orgies to mock God? Herod sent astrologers to look for baby Jesus and report back to him where Jesus is—so that Herod could kill Jesus. The Nativity Scene is what the Magi saw when they arrived at the manger, but it isn't what many think that it is. God's angel appeared to the Magi and warned them not to go back to Herod to tell him where Jesus was, so they never went back and told Herod where they found Jesus. That star in the sky that kept leading them to where Jesus was in the first place—the star we sing so fondly of in Christmas carols—what star ever does anything like that? Who really wanted the Magi to find Jesus so that Herod could have him killed? Interesting how everything all points back to a spirit creature, Satan, who so many say doesn't exist. Yet the cabal worships him night and day. Why? Why would the wealthiest, most highly educated, and most powerful people in the world waste their time worshiping a creature who doesn't exist?


Sorry, y'all. But Christmas has nothing to do with the Lord. It is pagan, and evil. The pretty, decorated trees and celebrations are an illusion that actually have a history that people who don't like truth will not speak about. But that truth is out there. Google or Duck Duck Go it.


Of course Santa Clause isn't real. Who do you think the image of Santa Clause represents? Where do you think it comes from? Why does the Church hide the fact that early Christians did not celebrate anyone's birthday. So many lies! So many lies!


"All that you think to be true is false…"


As Q would say, the more you know….

Anonymous ID: 0e104f Dec. 25, 2018, 7:05 a.m. No.4463166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3179

This forum is the last bastion of real shit being exposed and openly spoken about. ALL of the so-called "news" out there is comped, fake, and total BS—including Fox News and Breitbart. They will allow you to post only 'truth' and opinions that they agree with on their website.


It blows my mind that the great USA has come to this. What are we celebrating? What are we fighting for? It seems to me that a whole lot of us seriously don't yet seem to understand that we have already lost many of the rights that our Constitutions guarantees. What we have now is an illusion of freedom.



Anonymous ID: 0e104f Dec. 25, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.4463194   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The people who elected Trump were not "Affluent Republicans". They were people like you and me who the fake pollsters laughed at and ignored.


This is total BS.

Anonymous ID: 0e104f Dec. 25, 2018, 7:27 a.m. No.4463310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3341


True. Most people don't see any problem with it either, and that is the issue—most people don't view things the way that God does. The problem with it is that it does nothing to glorify God. It is still pagan. It only looks different because of the pretty lights and decorated trees, the gift giving, and the fake merriment that goes along with it. Even when I was a kid, I used to wonder why it is that people who claim to love others so much only chose to show that love or to give them a gift on one day of the year. What about the rest of the year? The spirit behind Christmas is totally bogus. Its all about greed, consumption, commercialism, and people buying stuff and giving gifts for the most selfish reasons.


Most of the early Christians were very poor people. They never observed or did any of this stuff on the Saturnalia or other pagan holidays. They displayed love and charity year round to one another. A lot of what we call 'culture' is rooted in evil, and just because it SEEMS ok doesn't mean that it is. Obeah and voodoo are important and celebrated parts of Caribbean culture, but both are rooted in evil. Much of the pagan art of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome are quite beautiful to look at but much of that is deeply rooted in paganism and evil too. Are paganism and pagan celebrations ever acceptable to God. He has many times answered that question with a 'NO'.


Ultimately, we have to make a choice. We can choose to keep celebrating pagan traditions, or not. But we shouldn't kid ourselves into believing that human pagan festivities will ever be acceptable to God. He wiped out entire peoples in the past for a whole lot less as an expression of his disgust.