Anonymous ID: 780f78 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:38 a.m. No.4463017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3031 >>3236 >>3351

>>4462874 lb

I know you have a million and a half reasons to be suspicious of all of this and to have every reason to only trust your own blade.


I am not talking about sealed indictments. Simply watch the Flynn trial. Or the Clinton Foundation one. There are a lot of these trials unfolding in ways that are not typical. This is war. Where our enemies have the ability to do so, they are going to create damage or the perception of it. Compared to the events of Ferguson or Baltimore, things have been fairly calm.


>>4462896 lb

Nothing of any value is falling apart. Alcoa is rebuilding a steel mill. There's a steel mill going into Missouri. A number of factories are seeing renewed investment. Agriculture is shifting a bit, but it is going to weather the tariff battles just fine. Domestic oil output is up, and we are making a move out of Syria.


There may be turmoil in the financial markets - but those aren't really businesses that do anything of importance in the first place. They just play with paper and traffick college interns.

Anonymous ID: 780f78 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.4463192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3233 >>3579


I'm not even sure where to begin…


The "Star of Bethlehem" wasn't a point of light. It was an astrological sign that would have been recognized by those who studied the stars. Otherwise, every swinging dick would have been chasing down the odd light in the sky.


The other problem is that Jesus was, according to the Bible, able to walk and talk by time the three wise men met him. "Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword." Unless you think a newborn infant stood up to rebuke these men….

  • on that point, Jesus was referring to the Roman army's destruction of a nearby town where another man claiming to be the messiah had been. It was kind of the hip thing for a warlord to do - claim to be the savior of the Jews and to try to rebel against the Roman empire.


See… That's the part you don't quite get… Jesus didn't come "to save us." It's not thar Jesus would dislike us or anything - but his significance comes from the earlier prophets, Isiah and Ezekiel, who prophesied against Israel. Ezekiel literally ate shit as a means of protesting the kikery the Pharisee were pulling.

When Jesus came, it wasn't to be the warlord to free them from Rome, as many expected. They already done fucked up and would be a miserable people for a very long time. Jerusalem as the harlot (this is part of why the embassy move to Jerusalem is symbolic… Gotta actually read that bible to know what's in it).

The judgment of Jesus had the Pharisee - who ranted and raved against Rome to placate the masses, conspire with Rome to accuse Jesus of being a rebel against the Roman Emperor. This is precisely why the Pharisee would try to trap him into things like who the taxes should go to. (Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and God what is God's). In doing so, and ultimately with Pilate recognizing Jesus was not guilty of treason yet the Pharisee seeing to his execution… It was revealed just how corrupt the Pharisee were to the Jews.

Or… Should have. The selection of Bar Abbas is contested in its validity, but is no less symbolic of the Jew's preference for choosing violent warlords rather than seeking a righteous house.


The book of revelations is an account of astrological phenomena of significance to zoroastrian beliefs. Pagan, even.


What you understand as "Christianity" didn't really form until after the Romans had gone on an extermination spree, burning churches and manuscripts. Then, they declared it the official religion and set about standardizing it, conveniently with a structure supporting an imperial figure who declared conversion and suppression campaigns.


God was replaced with Zeus… Jupiter. Although one could argue the Yahweh of Jews wasn't much different - so before we get off on who is worshipping what god in a pantheon, we should probably bother to understand what defines a god, first… And that's a journey of faith beyond the scope of my reply.

Anonymous ID: 780f78 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.4463503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3614 >>3691


You're not really providing much in the way of sources for yourself, Hime.


We're both being rather casual at the moment, and I kind of prefer to keep it that way, so don't take my lack of sourcing as a slight against you.


The question is "what businesses are leaving?" "What is causing those businesses to leave?" You and I both know that a number of the people who own businesses are the same people who are wrapped up in DC corruption. They'll move a business or even shut it down as a means of producing an ill effect out of spite.

However, again - industrial output is up, reinvestment in American factories is happening. Mean pay has improved… It's not been a bad two years. The eight years prior were a living nightmare, but there have been improvements.


Sure, the stock market may be tanking - but I don't really buy stocks. I do buy gas. That is down about 30-40% from the summer, and from its average between 2008 and 2016. Gas has actually gone from near $3 a gallon when I bought my car to less than $2 a gallon, and they were pushing for $4 a gallon right around the time my father died.


Food hasn't really gone one way or the other, just yet, but will probably go down in cost. Land values will probably go down, as well as rental rates. That would benefit me as a wage earner rather than an asset holder. Now… If I was a land baron who owned half the town and wanted to sell properties at a substantial markup, it's a bad thing - but the general consensus is that the local illuminati at the country club can eat a dick, so not much lost, there…


I just don't see this existential crisis that you seem so convinced of… And I live here. Perhaps you think me foolish or stupid - I can certainly be from time to time… But I think you are looking for reasons to be upset… Or to try and pass that outrage onto me.


I'll hold to my promise, Hime. I won't guarantee I'll be free of error or deception, yet I am not taking this issue lightly. I am bound by blood, after all. There are members of my own family who I have removed from the table I have planned, yet yours - or the person who you remind me of, and therefore you by proxy - have a seat at that table. If this turns our to all be a ruse, then I just have to do what I do when I do what I do - but I really don't think it is.

It will be a bit of a ride. Simply too much energy in the system for it not to be bumpy.


Don't think my mind is so easy to control… For any party out there.

Anonymous ID: 780f78 Dec. 25, 2018, 8:15 a.m. No.4463709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3736


… So, your argument that they are bad is that they are doing the exact same thing Obama was doing. Except… He's Trump…

And what I think I am seeing as gains are really just because they are elaborate con men….


Okay, well - let's play this one out, here. Fine. Q and Trump are larps. The U.S. is going down the shitter. Now what?