Anonymous ID: b4afa9 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:55 a.m. No.4463549   🗄️.is đź”—kun


A sharing.


THEY have told us that we're limited…

THEY have told us that we're small…

THEY have told us that we're nothing…









ALL are infinite INSIDE



When one looks out into the world for the answers to the important question, missing the point. What could be more important than finding that connection to the EVERYTHING? It's inside. Humanity has been mislead by those we trust. Ok. Good on them. Had THEIR turn. Now it's OUR turn. Throughout the world FREEDOM lovers have started to awaken to the possibility; self responsibility, self empowerment, SELF. True self. Not the story told by THEM. It's TIME. Inner picture of self is reflected by the world around. A change is occuring. Watching. Waiting. That change is US. That watching is US. That waiting is US. What are waiting for?

Let go. Listen. Trust. Self. Doubts? Fears? THEM. THEM. THEY have taught us we that should turn away from fear. THEY have taught us that we should listen to doubts…Wonder why that is…phht. Fuckers. In so many ways they are just as stupid as the lamest shills to shill. THEY have been shown how to corrupt. THEY have been shown how to control. THEY never bothered to understand the process. Using tools THEY didn't understand. Children in way over THEIR heads. For that, they lose.

Good wins. The infinite inside wins.

Don't have to fill the mind. Don't have to fill the space. It's full. Let it go. Let it out. Fan that spark of the infinite within. Grow it to a blaze. Allow it to burn away the fear and self doubt. TRUST YOURSELF. Does one fear that inner voice? Does one doubt the reality of it? Fear is meant to focus our attention. Doubt is meant to engage the mind in critical thought. Be attentive to that inner voice. Engage that inner voice with critically. Then listen, trust…LOVE. LOVE ones self. Reach into. Open into. Dive into the infinite inside. It's OURS. THEY don't want US to know that the way out is in…

Watching a Patriot. Seeming sad. Seeming disappointed. Fearing faith mislaid (trust that faith; REAL). Feeling it…The infinite is reaching for US all. One has to reach back; meeting half way. Once that connection made; FREEDOM. Free from doubt, free from fear, free from the hollow we're all taught that's inside.

If infinity is divided, what is one left with? Infinity. Percieving that tiny bit of everything inside, trusting that inner vision/voice;must. What has one to lose? Choose a differant path.

The Hard Path that Shows the Way. The Way isn't about the answers; but questions. Answers are just keys. Keys to unlock more questions. It's the QUESTION that drives.

It's TIME for a leap of FAITH. Trust that feeling. It's time to light that green light; GOGOGOGOGO.