Anonymous ID: cc92a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:51 a.m. No.4463078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3109 >>3122


trust yourself anon……do YOU think humans need shit in their blood that is not natural? Do YOU think human beings "all of a sudden" started being born with defects and illnesses? Was there EVER so much concern about vax in the past? Use logic.

Anonymous ID: cc92a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:22 a.m. No.4463278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3360 >>3463 >>3541


there is always danger in broad spectrum treatment. Think of how a mechanic diagnoses a problem with an automobile….process of elimination. Now consider broad spectrum treatment in a human…Dr.s are absolutely no different than auto mechanics. If a person is treated with broad spectrum, it is a hail mary, essentially, to treat the one thing "normal" diagnostics could not find. It effectually may "treat" the original problem, but the problem will most likely remain undiscovered due to the symptoms caused by the unnecessary "treatments" administered which had no effect upon the original problem at all.


When a mechanic diagnosis an automobile, the problem is either fixable or it isn't. The automobile or component(s) are either fixed or scrapped and replaced. When a Dr. treats a patient, the problem is either "treatable" or fatal to the same standards.


Now ask yourself this……do people bring their cars in for repair BEFORE the repair is necessary? An oil change or fluid change is NOT repair. A recall is NOT repair. One is necessary simply because the components that operate the vehicle require lubrication, and the other is defective equipment installed by the original producers of the model and "discovered" to be defective by customers coming in with the same problem on the same models but with different individuals assuming ownership.


Ask yourself this….with components constantly being "recalled" due to failure altogether, are those new components meant to make the automobile more efficient? More safe? If so, why wasn't it done properly in the first place? Simple fact of the matter is the original model before it's next generation came along with added components worked just fine and would never have come in for anything aside from an oil change. Logic dictates those responsible for recalls dazzle and woo their customers with how great their "new" equipment is and how much more efficient it makes the automobile or how much safer or easier to operate it is for the customer, all the while KNOWING that problems will arise here or there and creating a solution that requires the automobile to be brought in for repair. They claim it is at their expense, but the customer loses time, gas, etc. and more often then not, on a simple recall at their expense, "other" problems are "noticed" and the customer is informed of diagnostics and treatment. Take a good hard look at today's automobiles…can you fix most of the small issues that arise without taking it to the shop??? Ffs, engineers actually put an oil filter INSIDE the fucking motor on some models, essentially FORCING the customer to come in for an oil change AND placing a extra charge upon the job due to time increase of the process as well as gaskets for the headers, etc.


Knowing all of this, do you think Dr.'s WANT their patients healthy and independent of their diagnostics and treatment? Do you think they want you to be able to fix your own problems at home. They know and understand that the "recall" option is only available to them if they MAKE it available to them via placing "components" in your "vehicle" which will eventually cause problems and necessitate solutions only THEY can give. Just my logic into this.


On further note, I have not had "the flu" nor been sick aside from a cold which lasts 24-48 hours at best, and only one "24 hour flu" in over 20 years…no vax…no shots…yes sick people around me, whos sickness as contagious as THEY say it is never transfers to me……

Anonymous ID: cc92a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:37 a.m. No.4463400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3413


glad you put autists in parenthesis…..too many take it as though it means we are in the traditional sense, "autists"


We are simply people who resisted the programming and waded through the shitstorm all our lives to get here, the place we have all been waiting for to bring us together on one platform. And our voices are now being heard, as the original tactics of placing mental labels upon those of us not afraid to speak out no longer work. Shills gonna shill like their lives depend upon it, because it most likely does.

Anonymous ID: cc92a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:48 a.m. No.4463489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3548


no..broad spectrum refers to all vaxes at once….THEY would NEVER "create" a singular vax for everything….


consider broad spectrum antibiotic treatment for infections when they are unable to ascertain a particular infection…

Anonymous ID: cc92a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:53 a.m. No.4463527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3648


you are correct on the complexity of the subject. THEY made it so. It is their defense against logical comprehension as the problems THEY create arise.


As for rabies, I have never had it, nor witnessed anyone who has. Have heard the shots are quite painful, but, consider this……have they ever been able to successfully isolate the organic virus? Any of them? With 100% undeniable proof? I would think not. Of course you have your "natural" biological infections, but those that the regular immune system cannot itself fight via it's components……MANMADE, PERIOD. Otherwise, we simply would not exist in this realm.

Anonymous ID: cc92a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 8:10 a.m. No.4463669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3694


Course there isn't. That would go against their whole system…..


their game….


  1. have YOU fund their research under guise of "If we don't do it, the enemy will…


  1. Use funding to "create", as the enemy would under #1, as many different biological infectious agents as they can, thereby promoting the necessity of defense against biological agents via vax…….


  1. Ensure the vax contains defense against one, but creates lack of defense for other agents, promoting "new" vax defense and/or re-promoting necessary updated vax treatments already administered under the guise "they wear off over time"


  1. Now business is up and booming, sell agents or research already known to enemies under guise of "scientific research sharing" committed to beneficial standards for humanity allowing weaponization and creating "necessity" out of war threat of vax to all against the known biological agents THEY themselves created and sold to the enemy…..


  1. Continue generating money via YOU for both treatment and further research, not ever spending all that much upon materials and capabilities of further research so as to generate more money by means listed above, all the while throwing an agent of two out into the general public so as to keep silent the logical assumptions against them by those whom see through their veil, and most likely targeting those people with agents not even heard of.


Not rocket science.

Anonymous ID: cc92a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 8:17 a.m. No.4463725   🗄️.is 🔗kun


really anon….research it…you will only find what they want you to find….

every year a different strain of flu is promoted as requiring a more developed vax…do the math…how long has the flu shot been around….apply said math to everything else they want to vax you for…smallpox, anthrax, etc.


Don't you think it is quite strange humans are seemingly the only organism that doesn't develop naturally while "strains" adapt faster than the vaxes "wear off" come on now…..