Anonymous ID: d5f3e3 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:30 a.m. No.4463334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3365


Kevin Spacey.

(this will probably stir up a bleep-storm of debate)

Let's not forget, talented actor that he is, he played the crafty character in "The Usual Suspects" that turned out to be - Keyser Soze (the genius criminal mastermind) who fooled everyone by weaving together a carefully crafted explanation of events using common, everyday items/surroundings to: Mesmerize & Misdirect attention away from himself.


That was a perfect part for him. Whatever else he is, he's a talented actor.


Of course, my take is that his part in & that movie (mimic/parallel) what the [DS] [Cabal] [Info-Controllers] do in real life every day & in perpetuity.

  • They take all the various everyday events around us and twist & weave them into a [Mis-Direction False Narrative] → Away from (((them)))


He is the (Personification) of that; and he plays his role well.