Anonymous ID: 54efa3 Dec. 25, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.4464980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4998 >>5035 >>5051

>>4462836 PB Triplets all become autistic within hours of vaccination


This is exactly how it happened to my nephew 26 years ago. One day we were laughing with him as he was telling us about his little hot wheel car, wandering the living room, happy little kid. Two days later, he got his MMR at 18 months. Hours later he struck a fever, started screaming. Hospital trip. Two days later, he came out autistic.

He never came back to the world.

He could not even hear when we banged pot lids behind him. He did not know his mother, or father. He screamed like you were burning him every time you touched him to change a diaper…for the longest time.

This year he is 26, and at the Christmas party, he was able to remember my name for the first time.


People do not believe the shots are harmful, because they can not imagine that corporations can be complete murderous sociopaths for the sake of money. They simply do not believe the FDA would allow such a thing. Fact is, the FDA plays revolving door with the evil people who run the pharmacy corporations. Seven out of 8 of our major pharmacy corporations are direct legal decendants of I.G. Farben, that was broken up as a result of the Nuremburg type trials post WWII. They made the gas for the death camps.

People are too good to believe anyone could be that evil as to knowingly slowly poison children and call the poison medication.

But they are this evil. Just because we announced the end of the war, does not mean the owners of these evil corporations have stopped trying to kill Americans and their children.

The time to research the truth is before the damage is done. It can not be undone.

All of us boomers had no more than 7 shots. Childhood diseases can be handled in a hospital if they get bad, which most times they do not. But they do not cause the cataclysmic permanent damage the shots cause in One out of 65 children now.


I embedded the information parents need to see from our national neurologist (a brain surgeon who looks at the actual damage, and has the special equipment required to know that 86% of autistic children are having constant sub clinical seizures, not detectable by regular doctors or pediatricians who know nothing about neurology) Dr. Blaylock is an expert in this area.


He did a lecture for parents. Download it and take it to your doc. MAKE the doc watch it before you give your child shot-one.


It is not the 90's anymore. We know EXACTLY how the damage happens, molecular movement, by molecular movement, as well as we understand the Krebs citric acid cycle now.


There is NOT ONE EXCUSE. And this is GENOCIDE, whenever it is so bad it causes "SIDS." Often they hide it behind "shaken baby syndrome" so they can put already victimized parents in the corner trying to defend a parent against a trumped up crime.


The Central Mechanism By Which Vaccines Induce Autism - Dr. Russell Blaylock Lecture

Anonymous ID: 54efa3 Dec. 25, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.4465247   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4464782 2016 – The Sign from the Energy Energy Trump Prophecy is Massive Volcano.


It speaks of a covenant the oil cartels had with a "ring" being lost, and America becoming the lead energy producer with Israel, and the nations of oil dominance going dry.

I wonder if there will be more volcanoes, given that word "ring".

Anonymous ID: 54efa3 Dec. 25, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.4465290   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Folks safest thing to do is do not vaccinate any children until we have these vaccines examined by many independant researchers. The reason I say many is that past research shows, they send these "test" poisonous vaccines out in batches or boxes to various locations. They track their damage using the numbers on the boxes it looks like. You can test a batch, it might look ok, but the clinic down the street, or the local emergency room will have the bolus that kills, or injects test disease.