Anonymous ID: 79d9e3 Dec. 25, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.4464728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5037 >>5092 >>5235

Man hijacks bus and drives it into crowd, killing 8 & injuring 22 in Longyan, China


A man has hijacked a bus and drove it into a crowd of people in China’s city of Longyan, killing 8 people and injuring 22 others. The attacker is believed to have entered the bus armed with a knife and caused panic.


The incident happened in the coastal southeastern Fujian province. The assailant was reportedly detained by police. He apparently attacked passengers with a knife and, when people started fleeing, sat behind the wheel and drove into a crowd. One of those killed is thought to be a police officer.


Online footage, purporting to be from the scene, shows a road littered with parts from damaged vehicles and a group of police officers and bystanders pouncing on the alleged hijacker.


Other clips show people lying on the ground, apparently hurt in the incident (WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES).

Anonymous ID: 79d9e3 Dec. 25, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.4464750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5037 >>5092 >>5235

House Democrats Are Lining Up Behind What Could Be The Largest Expansion Of Government In Decades


Democrats are lining up to support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal.”

The proposal could be the largest expansion of government since the Great Society or New Deal.

Ocasio-Cortez’s plan could cost tens of trillions of dollars.


Democrats are increasingly lining up to support a “Green New Deal,” which, while vague on details, could end up being the largest expansion of government in decades.


As it stands, the “Green New Deal” is more aspirational than actual policy. Indeed, it takes its name from the New Deal of the 1930s, and its main backer, incoming Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, compared it to the Great Society of the 1960s.


More than 40 Democratic lawmakers support the “Green New Deal” as part of a broad plan to fight global warming and bring about what they see as “economic, social and racial justice.” A poll found most Americans supported the deal, but knew little about it.


But the big question is when Americans find out what’s in the “Green New Deal,” will they be willing to pay for it?


Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” calls for creating a House committee to draft legislation to fight global warming and turn the U.S. economy into something akin to what Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders envisions. Indeed, the “Green New Deal” could be a preview of what policies the Democratic Party will back in the 2020 elections.


“This is going to be the New Deal, the Great Society, the moon shot, the civil-rights movement of our generation,” Ocasio-Cortez said at a panel event in early December alongside Sanders, a likely 2020 presidential contender.


Those goals include moving the U.S. to 100 percent green energy, federal job guarantees for workings forced out of their fossil fuel jobs, guaranteed minimum income and universal health care.


Democrats will take control of the House in 2019 and many want to see global warming become a central part of their agenda. Republicans are unlikely to go along with a green deal in any form, and cracks are even appearing among Democrats on climate policy.


Since the “Green New Deal” lacks specifics, it’s hard to gauge the total cost, but similar climate and welfare policies are estimated to cost trillions of dollars.


For starters, moving the U.S. to a 100-percent renewable electric grid could cost as much as $5.2 trillion over two decades, according to a 2010 study by the conservative Heritage Foundation. That’s about $218 billion to move the grid away from coal and natural gas.

Anonymous ID: 79d9e3 Dec. 25, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.4464765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WATCH as Mount Etna erupts, covering villages in ash & halting air traffic


A surge in earthquakes have been plaguing Sicily after Europe’s highest and most active volcano began spewing lava from a new fracture. Mount Etna's eruption covered nearby villages in ash and shut down the Catania airport.


Mount Etna marked Christmas celebrations with a spike in seismic activity, causing a new fracture to open up at the base of a southeast crater at around 11 am Monday morning. Soon after, lava flows began pouring out of the crack, eventually sending an ash column spewing eastward into the sky. People on the mountainside were urged to evacuate the area immediately.


Throughout the afternoon, the ash covered surrounding villages and led to the sporadic closure of Catania's airport. By 9:30pm, air traffic was shut down altogether, with Sicily registering around 200 small-medium sized tremors.



Anonymous ID: 79d9e3 Dec. 25, 2018, 10:20 a.m. No.4464823   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scotland Demands UK Open the Borders So Migrants Can Spend Christmas with Family


Britain must axe “cruel” rules restricting chain migration so that families won’t be separated at Christmas, the Scottish government has claimed, demanding Westminster grant Holyrood powers to throw open the border.


Scotland’s open borders-backing immigration spokesman, Stuart McDonald, ordered Westminster to scrap income threshold requirements designed to ensure UK citizens seeking to import a spouse from abroad will be able to support their new family financially.


“Rather than being able to spend time with their families and loved ones around the Christmas dinner table, many people with foreign spouses will be forced yet again to spend the festive period communicating with families over Skype.


“Not only would that be a continuation of a devastating policy that has split an estimated 15,000 children from their parents, it would be a continuation of its hostile environment that is putting off people from coming to the UK and contributing economically and socially,” he told The National. “The Tories must either radically reform or scrap its disastrous family visa rules and wider immigration policy, or devolve the powers to Holyrood so we can implement a progressive policy that suits Scotland’s needs.”


While McDonald claims he wants to see an “evidence-based approach” to immigration policy, the Scottish National Party (SNP) minister has seemed reluctant to accept data which would contradict his party’s insistence that Scotland needs mass migration.


When Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) head Alan Manning gave evidence to the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee in October, after the body produced a report which showed how a decade of low-wage mass migration on the UK labour market had provided “no clear benefits” for citizens, McDonald said he welcomed the “fantastic research” by the organisation, but demanded it redraw its conclusions, which recommended Britain close its doors to low-skilled migrants.

Anonymous ID: 79d9e3 Dec. 25, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.4464861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5046 >>5092 >>5235

Large Attack In Kabul Leaves At Least 43 Dead. Taliban Demands US Withdrawal From Afghanistan


On December 24th, an hour-long coordinated gun and suicide attack on a Kabul government building left at least 43 dead and 10 injured, the Afghan Health Ministry said.


No group has claimed responsibility for the attack as of the morning of December 25th.


Health Ministry spokesman Waheed Majroh said that the attack happened in a building which houses the Ministry of Public Works and the National Authority for Disabled People and Martyrs’ Families


Interior Ministry spokesperson Najib Danish said that other victims include 1 police officer and 3 attackers who were shot by Afghan security forces.


The attack began after a suicide bomber blew himself up in a car at the entrance, gunmen stormed the building going floor by floor targeting employees. Terrified workers were running for their lives, some of them even jumping from windows several floors high to escape.


Approximately 350 people were taken hostage, when the attacker began to clash with Afghan security forces. The security personnel went from floor to floor in the operation to rescue the civilians, they had to exercise caution and restraint due to the number of civilians involved, a senior security official said, cited by Al Jazeera.


An official working in another government building close by said employees had locked themselves in their offices after hearing the explosions and gunfire. During the standoff, which reportedly went on for eight hours, the building’s second floor caught fire, according to local media.


This attack was the biggest in Kabul since November 28th when the Taliban detonated a car bomb outside a G4S compound, killing 10.


Earlier than that, a suicide bomber killed 55 at a religious gathering in Kabul on November 25th. The Taliban denied responsibility for the attack and condemned it.


The December attack followed reports that US President Donald Trump ordered the withdrawal of half the US forces from Afghanistan. Many of the Afghan officials reportedly fear that the move may harm efforts to end the conflict with the Taliban.


The incident also took place hours after Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi was in Kabul to discuss a negotiated end to Afghanistan’s 17-year war.


Pakistan helped orchestrate the December 17th’s peace talks in Abu Dhabi the United Arab Emirates, where representatives from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Pakistan and the United States met with the Taliban.


According to Pakistan’s Foreign Minister, the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan was a Taliban demand.


He also said that Pakistan is initiating unconditional peace talks with Afghanistan and it would continue making efforts for lasting peace in the neighboring country. He also said that Pakistan released a few Taliban leaders as a sign of goodwill to create a “favorable environment” for the peace talks.


Qureshi also said that the Afghan people themselves need to decide whether they want to live together or not, welcoming Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw US troops.

Anonymous ID: 79d9e3 Dec. 25, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.4464877   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Geert Wilders: “In 2018 we’ve seen the rise of the people’s movement in several European countries and this is only the beginning”


We interviewed Dutch MP and Party for Freedom leader Geert Wilders for Christmas. He tells us about his Christmas experiences and has a message of hope.


There is strength in coming together, sharing the same values and striving for peace and joy


-It’s Christmas now, what is your most beautiful Christmas memory?


When the men from Apollo 8 made the broadcast when they entered the moon’s orbit on Christmas Eve, which ended with the famous line “Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth”.


For me, it underlined the possibilities and capabilities of man and to this day I am committed to maintaining the good earth as a safe and joyous place for free people.


-What does Christmas mean for you?


It used to be all about the festive season. But since the elites decided it was a great idea to import a terrorist ideology, Christmas is overshadowed by the Islamic hunting season.


So, on the one hand Christmas is about Western joy for life and harmony, but on the other hand it’s about Islamic-inspired individuals who hate us and cherish death more than life, resulting in a constant threat of a terrorist attack. I can not think of a better wish for Christmas: remove Islam from our Western societies.


People have been ignored for decades. No more! So I would like to say: stay strong and keep it up, in a democratic and non-violent way


-What can we learn from Christmas as individuals and as a society?


There is strength in coming together, sharing the same values and striving for peace and joy. We are stronger as a united people than we are as individuals alone. Together we can dismiss current political leaders and change things for the better.

Anonymous ID: 79d9e3 Dec. 25, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.4464923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4955 >>4975


>>>4463886 Important on Syria: Unredacted analysis that was sent to NSC by SEG Group





Troop numbers are well beyond 2000 and this reads like it was written as Israeli propaganda.



Anonymous ID: 79d9e3 Dec. 25, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.4464995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5069 >>5118

Ex-NATO Official Suspects Erdogan Blackmailed Trump Over US Exit From Syria


The remarks come after US President Donald Trump announced last week that Washington would be withdrawing its roughly 2,000-strong contingent of troops from Syria, since Daesh* has been defeated. Shortly after, the White House clarified that the decision does not mean the end of the US-led international coalition's fight against Daesh terrorists.


Donald Trump's move to withdraw US troops from Syria prompts speculation on whether Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan blackmailed his US counterpart into the decision, according to Wesley Clark, a former NATO commander.


In an interview with CNN, Clark specifically singled out the lack of "any strategic rationale for the decision", which he said prods people to ask why the move was made.


"People around the world are asking this and some of our friends and our allies in the Middle East are asking, did Erdogan blackmail the president? Was there a payoff or something? Why would a guy make a decision like this? Because all the recommendations were against it," Clark pointed out.


He claimed that Trump' decision may also raise questions over Washington's foreign policy.


"What does this say about the foreign policy of the United States? That we're not reliable? That we make strategic decisions based on no strategic logic? What kind of person is driving the helm? That's the issue," Clark noted.


His comments came a day after Trump tweeted that Erdogan informed him Turkey will "eradicate whatever is left" of Daesh in Syria.


"[…] And he is a man who can do it plus, Turkey is right 'next door.' Our troops are coming home!" Trump wrote.


The remarks followed a CNN report citing several Pentagon sources as saying last week that outgoing Defence Secretary James Mattis signed an order to withdraw US forces from Syria.


This coincided with Mattis writing a resignation letter, in which he stated that Trump has a right to have a secretary of defence "whose views are better aligned" with those of the US president.


Mattis announced his resignation last Thursday, a day after Trump decided to withdraw US troops from Syria, posting on Twitter that the United States had defeated the Daesh terrorist group in the Arab Republic.


In late March, Trump said the US would "very soon" withdraw its troops from Syria, though the Trump administration later explained it would be keeping forces in Syria until Daesh is defeated.


The US-led coalition continues to launch airstrikes on Daesh positions in Syria, in a campaign that was neither approved by the UN nor the Syrian government.

Anonymous ID: 79d9e3 Dec. 25, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.4465189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5209 >>5224 >>5234 >>5317

POTUS TRUMP Wins Back Ann Coulter with Golden Words: “The Complete Wall Will Be Built with Shutdown Money Plus Funds Already in Hand”


President Trump quit following author and columnist Ann Coulter on Twitter in December following her vocal attacks on his non-progress with the border wall.


Coulter has lambasted the president following two years of empty promises by the Republican Congress with their obligation to fund the president’s border wall.


But President Trump may have won Ann back with this tweet:


President Trump: The Wall is different than the 25 Billion Dollars in Border Security. The complete Wall will be built with the Shutdown money plus funds already in hand. The reporting has been inaccurate on the point. The problem is, without the Wall, much of the rest of Dollars are wasted!


POTUS TRUMP Wins Back Ann Coulter with Golden Words: “The Complete Wall Will Be Built with Shutdown Money Plus Funds Already in Hand”

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft December 25, 2018 11 Comments


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President Trump quit following author and columnist Ann Coulter on Twitter in December following her vocal attacks on his non-progress with the border wall.


Coulter has lambasted the president following two years of empty promises by the Republican Congress with their obligation to fund the president’s border wall.


But President Trump may have won Ann back with this tweet:


President Trump: The Wall is different than the 25 Billion Dollars in Border Security. The complete Wall will be built with the Shutdown money plus funds already in hand. The reporting has been inaccurate on the point. The problem is, without the Wall, much of the rest of Dollars are wasted!


This was music to the ear of Ann Coulter:


The president told reporters on Christmas morning that he was going to make a trip to the border in January to inspect progress on the border wall.


Maybe 2019 will be the year President Trump wins back Ann Coulter?