Anonymous ID: 52ad6d Dec. 25, 2018, 12:16 p.m. No.4465668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5722


Merry Christmas amazing Anons. So today is a major holiday in the US whether you celebrate or not (I do celebrate) and all I see on the FAKE MSM is every story against our POTUS. He is our President, he did not win by accident. I have learned here that (THEIR) plan failed. I have learned here why they want him out….apparently he stands in the way of "Business as usual", Nothing they tell me on screen is going to make me feel differently about fact the more they bash him the more convinced I am of all that I have learned here for the last year.

With that in mind thank you anons for all your tremendous contributions and digs educating a humble lurker myself. Love you all (no homo) and feel an unprecedented loyalty to POTUS and his family, prayers for all them on this sacred day, he is working …. that I cannot overlook as they try to discredit him, meanwhile Congress members are home with their families or doing "interviews" to discredit him. I don't think I am the only person who sees this pattern.

Shills, its not working….