Anonymous ID: 54b766 Dec. 25, 2018, 12:24 p.m. No.4465730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5801


>MAGA will have happened when you see white people marrying and there's a Baby Boom.


which will not happen unless morale rises and we see law enforcement + military backing curb stomping the fucking shitskins to the curb and making white/western people at the top of OUR OWN FUCKING NATIONS.


(((kushner))) and plenty of FAKE MAGA jews won't like it because they are racially motivated foreign element. Tough shit. They are our enemies if they get in our way. All they seek to do in the end is use us for their racial motives.


There can never be two suns under the same sky. Nation is an extension of one's own race/tribe, and that is an extension of one's family, which IS oneself.


deny this basic fundamental instinct/priority of American/western and white people, and you get nothing. No MAGA, no revival, NOTHING.


We can work with Patriots.

We also know there is little apparent 'real incentive' (at least, most immediately visible) for vast majority of 'minorities' to take this route. They must work against the 'grain' to achieve sovereignty just like us.

Which is why we must go there first, despite all the efforts to the contrary by (((shills))).


The key here is that without VICTORY, there is nothing. Only because there are men willing to do the dirty work are we allowed peace.


No more cucking. No more back tracking. No more letting POTUS alone fight this war. He most likely is not effected by the 'shilling', but because the (((msm))) are limiting his ability to move by affecting US, we become liability to POTUS instead of support and asset.


No longer. WE, the PEOPLE of the WEST/RUSSIA.


Now's time to reorganize and FIGHT. We lose here, we get nothing.