Anonymous ID: 6714d8 Dec. 25, 2018, 12:25 p.m. No.4465738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As I celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ (my Lord and Savior) on what is most likely about 100 days after the actual anniversary of his birth, my family rented It’s a Wonderful Life.


I had not seen this movie in quite some time, and after a year of Q research, this ‘thing’ is easily filed as an ‘Occult Classic.”


Potter’s ownership of the entire town and partial ownership of Bailey Building & Loan parallels the Illuminati’s ownership of the Fed Reserve and most US business concerns through the Depository Trust Company.


From ‘Zu Zu’ to ‘God in stars’ to ‘lassoing the moon; consuming it; and letting radiance shine from within”… this movie is about as Christmas as “the Legend Family Christmas Special”


Going to go through this movie to see how much evil is littered throughout. Anyone else with “It’s a Wonderful Life” “in your face” occult crap?