Has Christmas Been A Lie The Entire Time???
If we are going by the Hebrew calendar which would have been used during the time of the birth of Christ. He would have been conceived during August / September (6th month). Adding 9 months of pregnancy would make his birth during the Spring. The Sheppard's were watching their flock when they were visited by an angel and told of Jesus' birth. Sheep would not have been out in the field during December. During the winter months the Sheep would be kept sheltered. If this is all correct we have been lied to for years about the date of Jesus' Birthday being December 25th. When you look back to versions of the Bible the King James Version is the most common used. So checking when it was published brought me to King James I. He was removed from his Rule due to the fact that he was practicing Roman Catholic beliefs. It all comes back to the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope's. They made changes to the King James Bible that would misdirect Christian beliefs.