Anonymous ID: 89b122 Dec. 25, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.4465342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5419 >>5626 >>5671 >>5804 >>5915



Minister Azzam congratulates heads of Christian denominations on occasion of Christmas

Upon the instructions of President Bashar al-Assad, Minister of Presidential Affairs Mansour Azzam relayed to heads of Christian denominations in Syria greetings from His Excellency on occasion of Christmas, wishing them health and happiness.


Higher Relief Committee: Four million citizens returned to their cities during 2018

Higher Relief Committee said that a total of 4.200 million of citizens returned to their towns and cities in different Syrian provinces until December 20th ,2018, meanwhile the number of the displaced citizens inside the country decreased to 2 million citizens.

The committee, during a meeting held at Local Administration and Environment Ministry , said that the number of the housing temporary shelters reached at 202 where 65.245 thousand persons are residing.


'No Benefit': Turkey Warns France Against Remaining in Syria Amid US Pullout

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has commented on Paris’ plans to remain in Syria amid the withdrawal of US troops, saying that "there will be no benefit to anyone”, according to the Anadolu news agency.


Syrian govt. forces march into Arima village near Kurdish-held Manbij

Syrian army soldiers, supported by Russian troops, have marched into a village in the country’s northern province of Aleppo, after US-sponsored and Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) decided to hand it over to government forces.


Top diplomat: Turkey plans to enter Syria’s areas east of Euphrates as soon as possible

"If Turkey says that it will enter Syria, it will be so. We will coordinate the troop withdrawal with the United States. We plan to enter areas east of the Euphrates River as soon as possible," he said, as cited by the TRT TV channel. According to Cavusoglu, Turkey "is working to make sure there is no vacuum after the United States pulls out of Syria, which terrorist groups will be eager to fill."

Turkish Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said earlier that Ankara "will coordinate its actions east of the Euphrates River with Russia."


Turkish-backed Militant Group Declares ‘Start’ Of Military Operation Against YPG

On December 25, a pro-Turkish militant group, Jabhat al-Aisalat wal-Tanmia, declared the “start” of military operation against the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which Ankara describes as a local branch of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), in the Syrian area east of the Euphrates River.

Over the past few days, the Turkish Army and pro-Turkish militant groups have concentrated a large number of military equipment and fighters in the areas near the territory controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northeastern Syria. The PYD and its military wing the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), are the core of the SDF.


SDF Captures Abu Khatir, Advances Inside Hawi al-Kashmah In Eastern Syria (Map Update)


Military Situation In Southeastern Syria On December 25, 2018 (Map Update)

Anonymous ID: 89b122 Dec. 25, 2018, 11:31 a.m. No.4465356   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel green-lights plans for 1,300 settlement homes, hundreds more pending


Defense Ministry body holds 2-day session to approve West Bank while many Western governments that typically condemn such construction are on Christmas holiday

Anonymous ID: 89b122 Dec. 25, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.4465362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5372 >>5804 >>5915

The case against Netanyahu: Is Israel about to reelect a corrupt prime minister?


Elections in April mean campaigning will coincide with AG’s deliberations on charging the PM for corruption. Top law prof Mordechai Kremnitzer explains how it all might play out


The prime minister, a self-proclaimed victim of a political witch hunt involving the opposition, the media and the police, is seeking reelection in April precisely as the attorney general weighs whether to indict him for bribery, breach of trust and/or other allegations in three corruption cases.


Immediately after Netanyahu announced Monday that he was going to the polls, discussion turned to the question of whether the prime minister was calling elections seven months before their scheduled date in part to bolster his legal position.


For one thing, it was suggested, the elections might now come before Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit reaches a conclusion on whether to indict Netanyahu, pending a hearing — a far better situation for the prime minister than seeking reelection under a darker cloud, after a recommendation to indict. For another, if, as is widely expected, Netanyahu emerges victorious again at the polls, that fresh public endorsement might make it harder for Mandelblit to put him on trial.


Much more:

Anonymous ID: 89b122 Dec. 25, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.4465365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5396 >>5804 >>5915

Turkey Doesn't Need Permission from Israel or Anyone to Fight Terror - Ankara


The Turkish government spokesperson made the statement following a Twitter outburst from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who called Turkish President Erdogan "the occupier of northern Cyprus" and accused his forces of massacring "women and children in Kurdish villages."


Turkish Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin has announced that Ankara intends to continue its fight against terrorism without seeking consent from other countries, Hurriyet Daily News reported on Tuesday.


"It is out of the question for Turkey to get permission or consent from Israel or any other country [to fight terror]," he told journalists after a cabinet meeting.


Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed Erdogan on Twitter, calling him "the occupier of northern Cyprus, whose army massacres women and children in Kurdish villages, inside and outside Turkey", and insisted that the Turkish president "should not preach to Israel".


In response, Erdogan dubbed Netanyahu is "the voice of tyrants" and the head of "state terror".


Meanwhile, Kalin also claimed that US President Donald Trump decided to withdraw American troops from Syria after Erdogan told him “loud and clear” that Washington and Ankara don’t need the help of Kurdish YPG/SDF forces to fight Daesh*.


"There is no step back, weakness, halt, or slowdown in the fight against Daesh terror group," Kalin said after declaring that Turkey will maintain its military presence in the Syrian province of Idlib in order to ensure "security and stability in the region".


Erdogan and Netanyahu have previously engaged in verbal clashes with each other on numerous occasions.


The row between the Turkish and Israeli leaders flared following the recent escalation of tensions on the Israel-Gaza border, which claimed the lives of four Palestinians on Friday.


In December, Erdogan announced that Turkish forces were prepared to kick off an offensive on the east bank of the Euphrates River against Kurdish formations as soon as possible.


Later, Foreign Minister Cavusoglu said that the operation in northern Syria would be postponed until the US troops completely withdraw from the area. At the same time, Erdogan's spokesman said that Ankara is going to coordinate its anti-Daesh campaign with Moscow