Anonymous ID: 0e91b2 Feb. 20, 2018, 8:09 p.m. No.447064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7203 >>7211 >>7230 >>7277 >>7542

I just got it!

When POTUS tweeted


Whether we are Republican or Democrat, we must now focus on strengthening Background Checks!


everybody assumed he meant gun-purchaser background checks, because of the bump-stock thing and the school shooting thing.

Like the EOs, there's more than meets the eye. Context is everything.

ACTUAL background checks are needed for FBI. CIA. Government service. Elected office. Judiciary. Etc.

We need to check the BACKGROUND of those already in office and government positions and courts.

Anonymous ID: 0e91b2 Feb. 20, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.447143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7210


I did the dig on LiddleKidz.

There is lots of suggestive imagery:

symbols that could be MKULTRA, pedo, etc.

It is all couched in very clinical/medical jargon with continuing education credits for nurses and the whole 9 yards. The website is elaborate and deep.


Anons who dug deeper found videos of the 'pediatric massage' and identified person touching infant's genital area (thru diaper). Sick room of a chronically ill teen (?) girl (portable oxygen tank in foreground), who appeared to be receiving therapeutic massage touch, but WHY was there a video camera in that room, drapes closed on all the windows, other oddities?

WHY did they advertise a seminar to teach children to touch other children and 'explore' them physically? "with appropriate boundaries of course". When I was a pre-pubescent kid it was known as "playing doctor" and was taboo.

The foundation appears legit, but more digging is needed to identify major donors and funding sources. I looked at one tax return (2015) and did not find that info.

For the amount of US and international travel they do, there would be very large expenses, and I do not see a source for the money, other than the tour in India that was funded by Gates Foundation, Microsoft, EPIC bars.

I don't know how to dig a 501(c) nonprofit to discover their donors but it needs to be done.

The tour bus has privacy windows, can't look inside. It is possible that young children victims could be transported inside, since they are on the road ~365 days a year going from seminar to seminar.

A pedo looking for kids would notice the pedo symbols, which are not that evident to somebody unaware of pedophilia.

It's a partial dig but more is needed.

Anonymous ID: 0e91b2 Feb. 20, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.447333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7539


It's a mirror? Place the mirror someplace on the map. On one side, the narrative is time-forward. On the opposite side, the narrative is time-reversed.

The thought is too abstract. I don't know how to bring it down to nuts & bolts.

Definitely it's a milestone on our path. Whether it is THE central milestone I do not know.

Look for some kind of reflective symmetry in the map?