Anonymous ID: 95a317 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:24 p.m. No.4468106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8130



At some point, Israel may reverse course.


I assume the government there has been a cabal stronghold. The Israeli people are not at fault for this, any more than the American people have been at fault for the wrongdoing of the CIA. Trump has been openly pro-Israel in ways like moving the embassy to Jerusalem, and I assume the Plan includes ways to liberate Israel from the cabal. Since much of the action is out of sight (think of the ongoing show of mock conflict after North Korea was liberated), we may not know when that happens. So as I'm watching events happening in Syria, I don't assume which side Israel's actions are on (unless there's very clear evidence based on what they strike.) Recall when Trump sent missiles into Syria, and the Assad government seemed to set aside missile defenses and let it happen? How it was presented to the world as "Trump vs Assad" when it was really "Trump & Assad vs Cabal"? Same kind of scenario could happen again, where it's not publicly disclosed who is fighting on which side. I know it can be frustrating to not know what's really going on … but we really don't. Confusion about who is on which side may be part of the Plan, and I don't expect that to become evident while the action is going on. (But it is possible we might figure it out, like we did with the US missile attack, based on careful observation of who is defending what, and who isn't defending what.) And we must bear in mind that there are almost certainly both white hat and black hat forces present in every country, so the flag shown doesn't necessarily tell us that much.