Anonymous ID: a1cbab Dec. 25, 2018, 4:36 p.m. No.4467737   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7971

>>4466915 lb

>4- curious, wonder if there is anything with the secondsโ€ฆ well what does it say, it says it 2 seconds it will no longer be 12:25 it will be 12:26

No, seconds are never significant when it comes to timestamps of posts or twats, bc impossible to control, therefore just noise in the signal. If the argument is that God or Aliens or Hive Mind are controlling it (thus sending the signal), that would at least be a valid argument (albeit a difficult premise to get many audiences to concede). But it is NOT logical to claim Q/POTUS communicate to us via seconds in timestamps. Q has said he does not (called a 10sec delta a [00] marker)


Understood it's not always easy for baker to decipher what's fake and what's legit when managing tons of things at once, and not all bakers have the same specialized knowledge โ€“ finance, law, pharma, music etc. etc. etc. So anons should help when they can. Let baker know whether things in notes are supported or refuted if confusion appears around them, w/concise explanation why. Respectfully, obvs. Bakers are brothers-at-arms and deserve our good will.


>>4467630 lb

Well said fren.

Keep holdin' the line.

Telling it straight is what we do.

Someone's gotta, or the cabal

will keep leading us around by the nose.

Anonymous ID: a1cbab Dec. 25, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.4467976   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


They will never stop trying to gaslight us. Demoralization is an important phase in converting a ppl to (((Communist))) control.


The biggest problem (((they're))) up against is the indomitable spirit of a ppl that would rather die than surrender, that will fight to their last breath. A subset of us simply won't be demoralized โ€“ at least not all the way โ€“ and those that aren't silenced or suicided as flies in (((their))) ointment serve as the immune system for all the others that are beaten into submission along the way.

''All that's ever been required for us to win

is that we never give up.''