Anonymous ID: e504b7 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:11 p.m. No.4467999   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'We Saw Proof in Syria Terrorists Received Funding From Abroad' - Ex-French MP


A French delegation visited the city of Douma on the outskirts of the Syrian capital last week. The foreign guests inspected the extent of the damage to the city caused by terrorists, toured prisons, and saw the torture chambers that the terrorists had built, as well as evaluated the progress of reconstruction work in the city.


The head of the delegation, a former French MP, Thierry Mariani, voiced his condemnation over the vast destruction and expressed sympathy for the local population who has been through so many trials and tribulations. "The prisons that we have seen, especially the cells, indicate that the terrorist organisations do not have the least bit of respect for human rights. The presence of modern equipment in the carefully-constructed tunnels proves that the terrorists receive assistance and large funding from abroad", Mariani said.


Other members of the delegation noted that all around the city of Douma, the restoration of buildings and infrastructure is being carried out; schools and shops are opening up. They also hailed the heroism and the sacrifices of the Syrian Army that fought to restore security and stability in their country.


Pierre Alexander, director of the public relations department of the Al Mashreq Christians Foundation, said that he was very pleased that normal life has returned to the country. He noted that the current situation is a far cry from what he saw in Syria during his last visit in 2015. At that time the militants where shelling residents of Damascus, getting around the city was dangerous.


The French delegation was accompanied by Syrian MP Butrus Marjanah. He told Sputnik that during the tour of the city, the French guests were constantly amazed by the amount of tunnels, prisons, and field hospitals built by terrorists. He said that this visit is significant as it suggests, for example, that the French people in general have a different perception of what is happening in Syria than those in the government in Paris.

Anonymous ID: e504b7 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.4468077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8083 >>8093 >>8209 >>8285

Christmas Day War: Syrians Blame Israel, Israel Blames Iran


There's breaking news to report on this Christmas day from inside the sovereign nation of Syria, where reports claim that airstrikes have hit near the capital of Damascus. This comes just days after President Trump ordered a US troop withdrawal.


Author's Note: We can neither confirm nor deny the authenticity of any of the allegations, at this time information is insubstantial.


Video has surfaced from inside Syria proclaiming that Syrian Air Defenses have responded to “enemy objects,” alleging that Israeli Forces are responsible for firing on Syria.


The Israeli pundits and social media reports seem to suggest that Israel indeed opened fire, but are alleging that all targets are Iranian inside of Syria.


The Jerusalem Post has confirmed that Israel's air defense systems have opened fire, but are claiming it was in retaliation.


“Israel’s air defense system was launched Tuesday night against a Syrian anti-aircraft missile following an alleged Israeli airstrike over the capital of Damascus,” the report says.


Americans have grown increasingly tired of endless wars, especially those of which seem to offer little to no benefit to America.


Syria's sovereignty has long since been violated, in what would appear to be a feckless war without an end in sight, until Trump's recent withdrawal command.


This is a breaking story; we will update as soon as additional information is provided.

Anonymous ID: e504b7 Dec. 25, 2018, 5:31 p.m. No.4468158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8197




This goes with that slide that made notables but got removed claiming to be 'unredacted Syria' intel but was clearly Israeli propaganda aimed at dividing the US and Russia