Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:11 p.m. No.4468457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4467909 (pb)

Likely story…now go find any other perpetually single general…a HUGE part of officer's lives is the service of their wives. He's never been married…planted story to make him seem hetero? who knows but blackmail always needs…something.


What I find amusing is how the worm has turned on Mattis around here… many others have you fuckwads been tricked into cheering for eh?

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:13 p.m. No.4468478   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So I just came to see what we got for Xmas…anyone unwrapped that yet?


OH WAIT…Jews bombing Damascus…well those fuckers haven't given up their quest for more land…and the MOSSAD dude…kek…the Israel gloves are about to come off..soon. BTW when Putin was asked in a presser which US candidate he'd prefer to win, he said "Anyone would prefer the candidate that doesn't want to make war"….

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.4468508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Hey Q should we sell our stocks and buy gold?

KEK if you don't already own gold you're SOL.


But anyone expecting their gold holdings to pay off…well they've ALWAYS managed for that not to happen…I believe last time the gov. made private gold ownership illegal and set a very low price to swap gold for fiat…did you know that now should the gov. decide to do that they can go into your safety deposit boxes and search them? OOPS. Back in the day people buried what they didn't want the government to find.


Wonder how they'll do it this time so the savers can't come out on top? because they will find a way.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:19 p.m. No.4468541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8563

>>4468328 (pb)

>Nurses who think they're doctors

Nah brah….we all know doctors will operate on anything if it earns them sheckels. Who cares if they're gonna be comatose and on a feeding tube for the rest of their lives? Not a fucking doctor…there's boat payments to make…as long as the insurance will pay, trust me a doctor will operate.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:21 p.m. No.4468551   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4468281 (pb)


>I'm the son of the 42nd President of the United States - Bill Clinton

He surely looks like him…but Chelsea is Hubble's not Bill's…and Bill is supposed to be sterile…kek..maybe not so much

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:23 p.m. No.4468569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8664

>>4468003 (pb)

>A Prophecy Against Damascus

KEK there goes that blood thirsty god again…KILL for my glory.


It's not hard to be the "chosen" if you write the book yourself.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:26 p.m. No.4468608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8724 >>8763 >>8853


>Many doctors are very ethical.

You are killing me…SRSLY…just had a "doctor" flat out lie to someone I know…lie..just flat out lie..NOPE nothing to see here…thankfully another place was consulted..and they are so pathetically stupid that they think starving to death is painless….and refuse pain meds to the dying. I absofukinglutely HATE doctors. They are some of the worst creatures on earth.


Never enjoyed something so much as listening to a bunch of cardiologists at a party talking about how to increase their income…VILE..corrupt…and about 99.999% of them could literally give a fucking shit.


when the truth comes out about parasites in the United States…fucking doctors gonna be burned at the stake…and deservedly so.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:29 p.m. No.4468642   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>10. Possibly a nod to 10 days of darkness. I doubt its a coincidence.

Holy cow you are gonna crash hard…what's your timeline on the "xmas" gift from Q? By the new year? Valentine's day? OH WAIT…Q meant NEXT xmas…the clock…not this xmas…next xmas…yep.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.4468672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8724


>Also, many doctors don't perform procedures, and so they have the best interest of the patient in mind, which is often thwarted by our socialized system of medicine.…what is the point of putting a very old man who just had a debilitating stroke…not able to swallow…speak…or move..on a feeding tube? Let me guess…3-4k a day? Cause, that's my guess.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:35 p.m. No.4468722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8816


>yeah, thats not what it says.

Ah, yeah that's what the whole OT says…go here, kill everyone, do not leave a man, woman or child alive…(they don't love me like you do..YOU deserve this land etc)…I swear religitards are the most….that jehovah…is literally an asshole.


NOW…how hard is it to be THE CHOSEN when you write the book yourself? (Using plagiarized stories from far older Sumerian texts…only the names are changed…) THEY CHOSE themselves..made themselves the heroes of their own fucking epics…and you stupid people bow down and scrape…how on earth did an obscure desert tribe manage to convince the entire world..their god was the best god?

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:50 p.m. No.4468860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8893


You're a doctor apologist. tell your fucking bullshit to my friend…who has been continually misdiagnosed since age 7 because you retards aren't taught to ask "WHY?" Ask my friend who had a doctor lie to their face…flat out lie…because they are afraid to or instructed NOT to tell people that they are full of parasites…ask my friend who is pushing to be a test case for a specific clinic..the ONLY one of its kind in the UNITED STATES about the LIES western medicine has been telling for close to 50 plus years about the presence of spirochette concretions in brains and the FACT that some parasites carry their OWN diseases…I saw some fucking retard give a person ONE dose of medicine to kill ascaris. I have nevr seen a more backward retarded way of "practicing" medicine.


Ask my friend who has now had TWO male babies get their penises mutilated and require reconstruction surgery because the backwards retarded $$$$$ oriented American system insists on genitally mutilating little boys.


NOPE…assumption, living will in action, no advanced life support, family all on board…doctor still PUSHING it…foul vile, evil. Western medical "practicing"…they are taught from books…all you have to do now is pass tests…incompetence…the last time I ran into a competent doctor who knew how to LOOK…and ask WHY versus be symptom oriented…fuck watch Monsters Inside Me…every single person is in ICU near death by the time some fucktard doctor figures it out….that poor lad in UK was paralyzed and just died because they know NOTHING about parasites.


Remember back when Doctors in all their wisdom declared people with Lymes Disease to be insane?


Yeah…fucking retards who cannot do anything with anything unless it's in a book. How many dark field microscopes are in the United States? Western medicine is backwards…just like back in the day trying to convince doctors to wash their hands before going to the next patient? Midwives kept saying..wash your hands…NOPE…more women died from post birth infections when MEN decided…yep..we're qualified.


SO doc…does starving to death involve pain? ON what day does the headache start? ON what day does the pain begin to ebb? Why do they refuse regular pain meds for someone for whom feeding tubes and IVs are withdrawn? I'll tell you why…so the families can watch the fucking suffering and choose the more expensive option next time.


Western medicine is evil…in its very fucking nature.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:53 p.m. No.4468907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8934 >>8953


>American's are low IQ stupid pussies

>They trust doctors

THIS is true…Americans are trained to go to the doctor and say…fix me..and they expect to be fixed by some retard who proved he qualified by taking tests. Americans are TAUGHT to hand over their body to someone who doesn't know them…someone who really doesn't give a 15 minute shit and someone who is going to diagnose them as a herd rather than an individual.


I caught those assholes sticking a dying man on antidepressants and statins…as if that was somehow going to magically make the stroke go away…I fucking HATE doctors. Literally…the most evil profession.


Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the US…if I worked for a profession that was the third leading cause of death I'd neck myself.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:56 p.m. No.4468943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8963 >>8964 >>8980


>the modern nurses who play doctor.

IMHO a modern nurse who spends 12 hours a day with patients probably has a much better insight and connection to the patient than a doctor who flys by and earns 400 bucks every 15 minutes.


THERE is only ONE thing American medicine excels at…TRAUMA..and how did we learn to excel at trauma care? War. Now we can save the life of every two bit fucking thug that comes in shot the hell up…all paid for on the gov. dime.


If I had to put my money on who was best connected to the patient…it WOULD be a nurse.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 7 p.m. No.4468987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9058


>You probably don't even exercise or eat right, idiot

LOL so that's your clever retort?


Let me tell you about the doctors…hum…top notch internal surgeon…consult with me…'re a fucking fat fuck that's working on a heart attack…they drink, eat shit, hell the diet coke flows like water…all fat…all out of shape…the last time I saw a "fit" doctor…well he was just a practice probably like….30 before the bad habits kicked in. That's right..surgeons consult me…KEK…because they're retards that get about half a day total in med school on nutrition.


Honestly I think doctors in general are absolutely the most stupid ass covering dickwads…but they certainly think they're god.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:02 p.m. No.4469017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9035 >>9046 >>9076


>So code blues call the nurse in charge, right?

Nurses are always gonna be the front line on code blues…they're in there working LONG before the doctor pushes his pot belly away from the table and wanders in to give orders. Without nurses holy fuck the death count would go through the roof.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:06 p.m. No.4469057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9128




kek…after years of being told do's good for you..then YEARS later ..ooops sorry…


People are and have been conditioned to hand their health over to someone "who knows better"..guess what..when asparatame came out I said NOPE…if I'm gonna eat something sweet it's gonna be real…then the attack on butter…here have this fake's good for you…then years later…OOOPPS…sorry.


people are fat because they are conditioned to NOT think for themselves…here do this..take this pill it's magic…your fucking magic pills have killed more people…again..3rd leading cause of death in the US…medical errors…neck yourself.


The best kind of doctors are doctors like Doc Martin..same doctor, same people, get to know you…most people do not become doctors to do anything but make money.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.4469127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9134


>Being a Dr isn't a guaranteed money maker anymore.

Maybe that's why they've gone to shite..any third worlder who can pass a test can become a doctor now.


Insurance…companies..fucking doctors..the entire system is fucked. Doctors hate midwives and anti circumcision…big $$$$$$ loss. Doctors are evil I have seen enough in the last 6 months to …I told my friend…the radiologist is going to lie to you, the doctor is going to lie to you…ignore what they say…send results HERE….exactly what i said would happen…happened…MY diagnosis of my friend was 100% correct…a now 44 year old person sick since age 7….and it just might be too late.


HOW many doctors misdiagnosed my friend? COUNTLESS. Literally countless…from psych diagnosis to thyroid to leukemia, to narcolepsy….drugged out of their skull…literally….and my friend had parasites…and not 1…but four…and in particular the lovely ones that get all up in your brain….no travel out of the US…nope…just indoor outdoor pets and a penchant for camping and the great outdoors..misdiagnosed since age 7.

Anonymous ID: 4ca6f3 Dec. 25, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.4469198   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Really gotta stop tying food to emotions

Television and culture do that…and once people are trained to become sheep…they just do what they're told.


I love my fat….bacon, butter…heavy cream…thin as a rail, healthy as a horse.


I am going to guess that if the clinic I've recently associated with has their way..there is going to be a massive change in the way we look at parasites in this country. IMHO they are the greatest single health risk…in particular spirochetes (research spirochete conspiracy and read the science / studies…then, burn with rage)


FACT you make WAY more money treating MS, ALS, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's than you would curing it…


they're finally catching on to Toxoplasmosis gonddi…finally. But it's way too late for many people..and stupid stupid people who have indoor outdoor pets that they do NOT de worm regularly…


FACT my friend would be dead right now..and no one would ever know why..if my friend had NOT listened to me…and got a ultrasound test…entire body…the tech was freaking the fuck out…" you feel movement in your thyroid?"…yep…anyway, my friend may still die…because the clinic is finally catching on…but might be too late…parasites carry their own diseases…AND some parasites cause such cell malformation and clustering that it is misdiagnosed as cancer….which technically it is..but it isn't.