Anonymous ID: 5a6aa0 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:58 p.m. No.4468968   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Since when does the left go ballistic over a Pentagon mainstay?

And now the Left media are consumed by Canine Spongiform Encephalopathy — Mad Dog Disease. It seems that everyone at CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the CBS-NBC-ABC cabal all madly love outgoing Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis. The SPCA has come to D.C. It is fascinating that these liberals, who always denigrate the military and prefer to manipulate the armed forces into serving as their laboratory for transgender social experiments (Yes, Zer!), suddenly are singing paeans to Gen. Mattis. It is ridiculous. They have no shame.

They adore a great patriotic general? Gimme a break. Six months ago, Secretary Mattis was being grilled on why we had not yet left Afghanistan. They want to close down ICE. Not the border — that may remain wide open — but they want to close down ICE because Immigration and Customs Enforcement is run by “Nazis.” They express empathy and sympatico for extremist elements like “Black Lives Matter” when the BLM crowd oppose the police and march in streets calling for police deaths. All manifestations of defending our safety and security, at home and abroad, are evil for them. All first responders are pounded with contumely. Even Gen. David Petraeus would get heckled when he set foot on a campus to lecture.

But, now that President Trump has accepted Secretary Mattis’s resignation, oh how those Leftists love their Mad Dog! Listen to Don Lemon and Chris Matthews and Chris Cuomo as they pathetically yelp: Woof, woof! How every American liberal salivates Pavlovian merely upon hearing those sweet two syllables: Mad Dog!