Anonymous ID: 7f4efb Dec. 25, 2018, 6:26 p.m. No.4468605   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8632 >>8737 >>8859




The Hajin region of the Euphrates valley, Al Tanf and Idlib are slowly being strangled out of the hand of EVIL. The Cabal is digging like crazy seeking a hail Mary find that will save them. If you take the time to listen to what Assad is saying to his people you will see he sounds very similar to Trump. The horrors committed in Syria are being exposed daily. It will be interesting to see how the remaining strongholds of terrorist are removed and how the many compromised countries can exit without taking full responsibility.




Continues to play a double game with Russia while trying to advance its restoration of the Ottoman empire which requires the elimination and annexation of Kurdish regions in Syria and Iraq. It's common knowledge that Turkey along with Israel and Saudi Arabia were the main conduit of arms and personnel into Syria to support ISIS they continue to support ISIS in Idlib but are being forced into a fight the US coalition backed SDF which appears to be achieved by Russia using it's extensive evidence of Erdagon's criminality to leverage him.




>>4393047 This is an update to below

Russia setting up the defensive systems in Syria have left IDF fuming as they can no longer do fly by mass killings of innocents in Syria. Instantly after Syria was shut down the Palestinians started firing rockets to which Israel attacked; there have been ongoing border killings in Gaza since but such attacks do not provide significant amounts of death. To overcome this the new narrative of Lebanese tunnels has been engaged to try and create a new war so the death of innocents can be increased to cover the lack of death being attained from Syria.

The new rules of engagement put forth by Russia and Syria have sent a clear message to Israel to stop probing the Syrian defense systems and attacking the Damascus airport, which the Syrian government have repeatedly denied the occurrence of but the twitter feeds out of Syria always contradict the later official version denying an Israeli attack. Israel believes Trump is in their pocket and will turn on Russia to advance the Israeli goal of world domination with the antichrist ruling from the CHAIR in the third temple as written in prophesy of religious texts. If true why would Trump be part of the Q team? Why give us the tools to dismantle the cabal and power of knowledge if his plan was to slaughter us? We were ready for the kill when Trump took power.

Funny how we are told "antisemitism' is on the rise again right on queue as the truth starts to come out! People are inherently good and I believe their are Jews who do not support the Talmudic teachings just as there are Muslims who do not approve of the dark teachings of the Wahhabi version of Islam.




Yellow vest movement is being used to awaken the masses to fight against the EU dictatorship we are lead to believe. It is yet to be determined whether this is a Cabal funded initiative or Israeli funded to advance their goals which I believe are being pushed to enable the building of the third temple so the antichrist can take the CHAIR and rule. If Israel thru a deal with the Wahhabi Islam branch of the cabal offered them Europe removing the EU old guard would make for an easy takeover during the chaos by the Islamic hordes that have carefully been distributed all over Europe. It has to be questioned why the Islamic gangs have steered clear of the yellow vest protests, you'd think if they are the opportunists as they are portrayed why haven't they gotten involved? Also Israel wants to build the third temple where the dome of the rock stands so substantial payment would be required for this to happen, Europe may be that pay off.

NATO/cabal military are busy trying to advance more wars, Kosovo, Ukraine and elsewhere as they have no way out accept for a hot phase of WW3 where they can erase history and start over.

Anonymous ID: 7f4efb Dec. 25, 2018, 6:42 p.m. No.4468787   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8831 >>8844


More to it obviously but gives a reasonably concise over view. Trump leaving Syria has Israel vulnerable and this is why they lashed out today:


1 to try and make him stay

2 to show their teeth to others in the region


but choosing Xmas day shows they have zero respect for Christian beliefs and reasserts many people's belief the Greater Israel Project is about Christian genocide along with the genocide of peaceful muslims. This is why the Islamic state killed muslims who wouldn't join them

Anonymous ID: 7f4efb Dec. 25, 2018, 6:44 p.m. No.4468809   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8867

Elizabeth Warren Plan Would Allow the Government to Manufacture Its Own Generic Drugs


If I told you that there are two major efforts on the left to reform the pharmaceutical industry, and one relies on market competition while the other establishes a publicly run office to manufacture prescription drugs โ€” to control the means of production, so to speak โ€” you might assume that the first comes from capitalist-to-her-toes Sen. Elizabeth Warren and the second from honeymooned-in-the-USSR Sen. Bernie Sanders.


Itโ€™s actually the opposite.


Warren introduced legislation on Tuesday with Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., that would create an Office of Drug Manufacturing within the Department of Health and Human Services. That office would have the authority to manufacture generic versions of any drug for which the U.S. government has licensed a patent, whenever there is little or no competition, critical shortages, or exorbitant prices that restrict patient access.


Last month, Sanders and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., released their own bill to tackle high drug prices, which would require the government to identify any excessively priced drugs (relative to an international index of list prices) and grant a license to private companies to provide competition with a generic version.


The two bills from Warren and Sanders, who are both likely running for president, are actually complementary efforts that deal with different elements of a system that results in Americans paying more for medications than anywhere in the industrialized world. And they reflect a broader attack on the industry from multiple angles.


โ€œSanders-Khanna and Warren-Schakowsky are two absolutely complementary bills,โ€ said Alex Lawson of Social Security Works, who has worked extensively on drug prices and was involved in both efforts. โ€œItโ€™s important that youโ€™re seeing multiple, transformative big ideas.โ€


The Sanders-led legislation seeks to reform the monopoly patent system for prescription drugs, which virtually assures high prices and incentivizes the exclusive drugmaker to restrict competition. But the bill relies on a functioning generic drug market that can drive down prices by mass-producing alternatives that steal customers from brand-name treatments.


About 90 percent of all prescription drugs filled are for generic medications. But recent events have revealed that the generic market is also broken. A 2017 National Bureau of Economics Research paper found that generic competition has weakened over time, as fewer firms compete to make alternatives. By 2016, 40 percent of all generics were made by a single manufacturer.


A Government Accountability Office report identified price spikes of 100 percent or more in the generic drug market in one out of every five drugs studied between 2010 and 2015. There is even an active investigation into cartel behavior among 16 different generic drug manufacturers, which allegedly divvied up the market and fixed prices for more than 300 drugs.

Anonymous ID: 7f4efb Dec. 25, 2018, 6:51 p.m. No.4468885   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8948 >>8981 >>9064 >>9071

I post this for transparency. I have a fairly bad history, involving a life or death situation where i did what needed to be done, but I am God's warrior in this fight and forever so Mattis may be of the same ilk as me. Remember oldfags were chosen!


Mattis has shown a callous disregard for human life, particularly civilians.


Retired marine General James Mattis, who retired from being the head of CENTCOM in 2013, has become known recently for his stance against what he calls "political Islam."


"Is political Islam in the best interest of the United States?" Mattis said at the far right-wing Heritage Foundation in 2015. "I suggest the answer is no, but we need to have the discussion. If we won't even ask the question, how do we even recognize which is our side in a fight?"


Another controversial aspect of his selection that much of the media is focusing on is the fact that in order to get the job, Mattis would need Congress to pass new legislation to bypass a federal law stating that it has to have been seven years since defense secretaries have been on active duty. Congress has only bypassed that law once in US history, and that occurred over 50 years ago.


More importantly, Mattis, known to some by the nickname of "Mad Dog," has shown a callous disregard for human life, particularly civilians, as evidenced by his behavior leading marines in Iraq, comments he made about enjoying fighting in Afghanistan because "it's fun to shoot some people. You know, it's a hell of a hoot," and myriad other problems.