Anonymous ID: 87c412 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:34 p.m. No.4468698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8850



You fucking stupid dumb modern cuck!!!

My great grandad had only 3 years of schooling

And he was smart enough to use a cold chisel on an anvil

And not lose a single scrap if silver.


THIS is why the revelation will put 99% in the hospital

Because you are all goddam PUSSIES who can't take care of yourselves.

Anonymous ID: 87c412 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.4468765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4467643 lb Justice Watch checks up on government and the DOJ. In Italy they now check vaccines INDEPENDENTLY

And it is not a pretty story.

Soon there will be criminal lawsuits and doctors will stop using vaccines

Or they will all be sued in malpractice suits

Or emigrate to the USA where parents don't care about their kids.


>>4468189 lb This doctor has discovered how vaccines cause autism

Things your baby can eat to PREVENT it happening

Things that can heal the autism

And it may even prevent Alzheimers AKA adult autism.

Anonymous ID: 87c412 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:49 p.m. No.4468853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8866 >>8907 >>8970 >>9172



American's are low IQ stupid pussies

They trust doctors

Why don't they sue doctors for malpractice?

You can even sue a doctor for malpractice BEFORE they even give a vaccine

If you present Dr. Russell Blaylock findings on the mechanism by which vaccines cause autism and they do NOT give it a serious hearing. If your doctor simply calls this guy a quack or a fraud, then you have grounds to sue the doctor for malpractice and any hospital at which he has admitting privileges. If during your RECORDED consultation he says that he is right and cites some organization or other, you can include them in the lawsuit.


Now, one lone American citizen suing a doctor, will not achieve much, but if many do it, if you also start a class action against the vaccine manufacturer, the vaccine distributors, the pharmacies that provide it, this will make a splash.


If your doctor's insurance company offers some monetary settlement to drop the suit, you can turn around and sue them for CONSPIRACY under RICO. Conspiracy to defraud patients by selling known poisons that have no beneficial effects, conspiracy to harm children, etc.


Americans are far too meek and mild.

You are all soy boys who can only sit on Internet forums and moan.

This is why Trump is bringing the troops home.

American soldiers are WIMPS and PUSSIES and in a theater where Russia's real men are fighting, it shows.

Anonymous ID: 87c412 Dec. 25, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.4468917   🗄️.is 🔗kun




But when I started school in grade one I did walk a mile to school and back every day including in the winter in -20 degree blizzard conditions. When they let us out early due to weather, we walked home by ourselves as the storm was building.


I also chopped wood for the cookstove and shoveled coal for the potbelly stove in the sitting room.

And the water froze on the windowsill in my bedroom at night.

I dug up the garden every spring, pulled weeds, hoed potatoes, worked for the neighbors at haying time or grabbing chickens in the middle of the night to stuff in crates to send to the slaughterhouse. The grown men could pick up 6 in each hand to fill a crate each trip. I needed two trips to fill a crate because I was so small.