Anonymous ID: b31a0d Dec. 25, 2018, 7:14 p.m. No.4469146   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is an old routine from the socialists. "Muh food is fake!"

No, it isn't. Try working in a restaurant or a fast food one. The "real restaurant" will quickly lose its luster. Primarily - the staff has time and opportunity to tamper with your food.

Sure, the guy at the fast food restaurant might barely care to keep all the contents inside the bun, but he also doesn't have the time to figure out who you are in the drive through line, either.

Work inside restaurants, and you'll understand why POTUS chose fast food. It's actually far less risk of food-borne illness, cross-contamination, etc - because it is a standard process developed for following health guidelines.


As for what the food is made of - processed food is usually meat scraps that are between the major cuts of meat that are sold. Some products contain cartilage and the harder tissues of animals. Depending on health laws and where you are buying your processed meat, they include soft tissues - heart, tongue, eyes, brain, etc. Things you'll eat in a slim jim with plenty of salt - but probably would shy away from on your own.

Most fast food burgers are made with ground beef. Each company has its own standard of fat content, but most are meat with little to no filler.


The process used to deliver the food is just designed for a degree of consistency that most people are not used to seeing at home. Burgers are pre formed and cooked in a press griddle in most places. The meat cooks differently than at home, and the meat is usually ground finer than what you would use at home, as well.